Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

 Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!  Hope yours were especially wonderful!

It's sad to think all of the visual Christmas cheer has to come down soon.  Does any other day of the year make such happy photos?  My day doesn't include any photos of delighted children on Christmas morn which I know are the happiest of happiest pics, but there might be a puppy pic or two.  

I do know that Christmas jammies are  for people.  

But human Christmas jammies are not this cute.  C'mon, you know that Boston butt in jammies makes you want to sing the Christmas Jammies song.  I start humming Will Smith each time I say the words.  Yep, Every. Single. Time. 

A Christmas Carol four different ways.  Happy times indeed. 

I believe, this was the first year in my life that I didn't spend Christmas Eve or day with my family.  I thought about it and even considered flying out for just an overnight, but in the end, the thought of the airport and the crowds deterred me.  Work has pretty much kicked my butt the past two months and I have been looking forward to some rest.  And more rest.  And days filled with no schedules and more rest. 

We live in an age that makes long distance Christmas a little bit easier though...

And this is how we opened gifts together.  Gotta love FaceTime.  Except I don't because whenever I see myself on the small screen, I have no idea who that craggy woman looking back at me is.  FaceTime is just mean. 

And this is how puppies open their stockings and gifts.  In their Christmas Jammies.  We're wearing Christmas jammies.  

Brooklyn may officially be the queen and supreme ruler and master of Nina Ottosen dog puzzle toys.   I love that the mental stimulation actually wears her out more than a long walk. 

This year I also tried an alternative to the gingerbread house...the chocolate house.  Technically since I used Wilton Candy melts, it was more of a chocolate flavored house, but soooo much easier to construct than the gingerbread houses.  Just melt, pour into the chocolate mold and use white chocolate to build.  White chocolate dries pretty quickly in comparison to royal icing---no falling structures here.

Easy peasy.  In the Little Pigs world though, Gingerbread would be the equivalent of the house made of bricks and this one would be more like the house built of straw. 

It lasted for a week until Christmas Day when I put on a table next to open window blinds,  Its demise rather appropriately signals the end of the holly jolly season. :(


Lila said...

Merry Christmas to you and your adorable puppy in her xmas jammies! My kids were singing that song for a day after they saw the video. :)

I love the chocolate gingerbread house and think I'm going to look for that mold for next year(and keep it away from the sun). I bet my kids would love to make it with the colored candy melts so they could have pink and blue houses!

Lila said...

This PJs are adorbs! I would dress my dog in those if they made them that big just for the amusement factor :) Merry Christmas!

sophia said...

I love your nativity! Most of them are gold or too colorful or just not what I'm looking for but I love how simple and white and clean yours looks. It's very elegant.
Brooklyn sure is cute in her jammys! I love the cutout butt for sure!

Lila said...

I've been thinking about picking up a puzzle toy every since my puppy trainer recommended it but they are so expensive! It's good to know tho that they are good! She looks so cute with her bum hanging out in her pjs. I also do a lot of face timing with my family in england but we always have the time differences to deal with. It is good but your right that it makes you look awful! I always hate seeing myself on it.

Lila said...

Your dog gets as excited to open presents as ours do. We get them a couple of gifts each and they go crazy ripping open the paper. It's so bad we can't put out presents until we are there to supervise and keep them away.

Your brunch picture reminded me how much I love lox and I always forget to buy or serve them. They are perfect Christmas Day or New Years brunch foods. I'll definitely remember for New Years now!

Anonymous said...

I spy with my little eye, a Canon 5D M iii. Did you get the big kahuna of gifts this year?!?!?

Beautiful Christmas pix and so much fun!

Melody said...

love the puppy jammies and the boston butt - love the chocolate house too - it's demise made me laugh out loud :) Glad you had a good Facetime Christmas with family!

Lila said...

yay for Christmas Jammies! My husband wants to make a video christmas card next year now. Love the Facetime pictures. We had to do that with my family this year too since it's was our turn at the hubs family homes. Be grateful you were able to have a restful Christmas. I never associate restful with all of the travel we have to do to our family homes. Maybe I might just recommend FaceTime next year. ;)

atvmtngirl said...

Brooklyn looks so cute in her jammies! Love the pics of her opening her gifts.