Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Unfortunate

I'm a little perplexed as to how I made it so far into the Christmas season without any Christmas photos.  That's so unlike me--especially since the tree has been up for weeks.  Puhhhlease.  Like I have the self control to wait until after Thanksgiving.

I could stare at the tree for hours.  And in my opinion, wrapped presents are even better than opened presents.  I think I'd be perfectly happy wrapping empty boxes and skipping presents so long as the packages all tied up with string could remain forever under the tree.  Presents are to be looked at but never touched...or so I tell the furry ones.  They disagree as they battle for territory under the tree.  But in the end, the presents will prevail, because I said so.

And of course, the other fabulousness that is Christmas is ready to commence: Christmas baking.  I spent a lovely Sunday afternoon with a group baking and decorating sugar cookies, because you have to have sugar cookies.  Just a few pics I cookies are the plain white ones of course.

Baking in this house though is just in the prep phase.  Not sure why, but I like to make the dough first and bake them separately.  Okay, I totally know why--try not to mock me.  See, making dough just makes a huge flour mess all over your kitchen. Isn't it much better to make all the dough, clean up the mess and then bake cookies in a slightly more clean and less messy environment?  Who me?  Type A?

Cookie baking is currently scheduled for Friday.  The youngest one is having a little surgical alteration on Thursday so Friday is Spay recovery and baking Christmas cookie day.  What a lovely combination.

Kind of a small interesting photography tidbit in this photo.  If I told you I shot this last photo with a Canon 50mm prime lens, you could deduce from the bokeh on the tree, which lens was used.  The 50mm F/1.8 has a 5 blade diaphragm which results in a bokeh that looks more pentagon in shape.  The  50mm F/1.4 has 8 blades which results in an octagonal shape and the 50mm f/1.2, well that's an L lens and just has perfectly, delightfully round bokeh. Or so I'm told  This particular photo was shot at  f/4 so the octagon is more apparent.  Opening the aperature up to 1.8 or 1.4 minimizes shape differences slightly and bokeh appears rounder with all lenses.   Kind of nerdy fun knowledge yes?


Anonymous said...

Hello Mary. Thanks much for the lens comment. I was actually trying to decide on a 50 mm lens, and this was very informative!

Sarah Grady

Colleen said...

I love your tree and all your red and white wrapped presents. So pretty!

Thanks for the bokeh tip/info. I didn't know that.

Oh, and yes... the cookie recipe on my blog makes yummy soft cookies. :)

Monica said...

Love the pics of the kids under the tree. Jack does the same thing...and cannot refrain from trying to eat my fake tree. I'm loading up the presents now so he no longer can lay there.

sophia said...

I love your tree or anything red and white really. And your two little fur babies are so cute!

Bronwyn said...

Those pics under the tree are so cutte. But then again I'm a little partial to Bostons.

Brown Family Blog said...

Lol. I have never thought of the cookie dough prep. Hmm. I kinda like it.

Love the presents. I think I should just start copying you and take all the credit. :0)

Lila said...

so pretty. i love the red and white presents and red and white tree. stunning.