Happy 1st birthday to this sweet little man, my favoritest nephew in the whole world. I was lucky enough to see him dumping oatmeal on his head on this very special 1st birthday.
Where does time go? My dad FaceTimed (new verb) me today to let me know it's been 9 days since I last posted and to ensure I was still alive. Thanks Dad. Who knows where time goes? I skipped out on class (which still feels both good and wrong after all these years) and headed out for a long weekend in Venice. You know normal stuff. How will I cope with life when I go back to saying real things like "This weekend? I'm going to Target and then Home Depot."?
I love Venice. I think it's quite magical despite the crowds. I am convinced however, that Venice does not return my affection, either that or she's just a little bitchy and temperamental. Perhaps that's part of her mysterious charm.
Both times I've been to Venice, she's rained. I know, water, canals, rain--probably normal. I've been watching the weather though and she's been pretty sunny until I arrived. She was forecasted to be sunny this past weekend but decided instead to be a wet, rainy, cold mess.
And both times I've been to Venice, I've run into the infamous train strike and had to scramble to get back. This time it was 5 train changes, and hours of waiting on different trains to see if it would go, or if it would be cancelled as part of the strike. I've never been so glad to have spent the time learning some Italian.
Despite all this, Venice is forgiven, because, well, look at her. I love the colors of this building but I really loved listening the little girl in the upper balcony instruct her friend/brother below how and where to scooter.
And oh yes, the vaparetto. I think I've learned some of the art of maneuvering for a somewhat decent seat on the crazy, overcrowded, who-is-that-touching-my-ass-and-I-really-don't-want-to-be-touching-this-man's-ass-with-my-face-in-this-person's-armpit, water bus system in Venice. I actually really like the vaporetto if you can get a seat or a view and I figured out that it just takes a little more walking to the right stop and a little bit of patience.
Most tourists will jump on the Line 1 or 2 down to St. Mark's square because Rick Steves and all the of the guide books say to. If you are jumping on 1 or 2 from near the train station, walk up to Piazzale Roma which is just one stop up from Ferrovia (train station)--this will allow you to get on before the large masses that are lined up at Ferrovia. I actually preferred riding any line that went out to Lido which is an island about 10 minutes past the St. Mark's stop. Some of the vaporettos that go out to Lido will go around the outside of Venice which is a great way to see Venice from the open waters, minus any crowds. Once at Lido, getting a seat on Line 1 back up the Grand Canal was pretty easy--I was able to get a front seat with a wonderful open-air view each time. Once that vaporetto makes it back up to St. Mark's, it's standing room only again. You can of course also just jump on Line 1 and ride it out to Lido and then snag a seat up front for the ride back as the masses disembark at St. Mark's or Lido.

I'm guessing that in Venice, children learn pretty quickly that having a fit and throwing your toys doesn't work out well.
True to form, I was in St. Mark's at 7:00am before the crowds to grab a few photos. Can you believe this is the same place that will be a mob scene in just a few hours?
While the rain isn't that fun for siteseeing, it does look quite peaceful here doesn't it?
I don't remember where this was taken but there was not a person to be seen. Definitely wander off the crowded paths.
It goes without saying that there are some pretty good eats in Venice. L'Osteria di S. Marina was a recommendation from a friend and it didn't disappoint. I did spend a good 1.5 hours of vaporetto rides and leisurely meandering with a map to find this restaurant. On my last day in Venice, after checking out, I wandered to the left from the hotel since I had a few hours before my train. I ran into the restaurant 7 minutes later. Seriously, Venice defies all logic.
Yes, little cutie stuffed calamari.
How cool is she? Next time I go to Venice I want to stay on the grand canal and sit in the window and read like her. She is my hero.
I vaporetto stalked this man because he had a plaid umbrella and kept walking by such lovely backgrounds. Line 1 is a definitely a great siteseeing vaporetto to take--it is slow because it stops at every stop. It's perfect for vaporetto stalking people.
Here we are a few stops up the line.
And of course, Venice at night--I think this is where she really shines. When you see her lights twinkling and reflecting off the canals, you know that in the end, she can do no real wrong. Did I mention that I love this city?