Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Strolls

Truthfully, I have to admit to being a bit perplexed on why they bother to play championship games and the Superbowl if Denver's not in it.  Just saying is all. 

Superbowl bitterness aside (seriously, they should just cancel it), Denver gave us some beautiful sunny weather today which we were happy to enjoy.

Yeah, we done yet?


Anonymous said...

wow--she is huge! question though...does Brooklyn ever wear the same collar two days in a row? ;0)

Leslie said...

she has grown!!! she is not a little tiny puppy anymore

Bronwyn said...

Those ears back in that last photo--cracks me up. She seems to like to look off in the distance like she's posing.

Lila said...

I love warm sunshiney pics. Early morn or dusk? Cute subject too. I agree with you on architecture and landscape.

Lila said...

I love warm sunshiney pics. Early morn or dusk? Cute subject too. I agree with you on architecture and landscape.

Ellie said...

that last pic cracks me up. funny dog.

sophia said...

she's a cutie. I love little dog personalities.

Anonymous said...

She's a cute little bugger!

Colleen said...

That last photo is priceless!