Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Boston Terrier Cake Pops

Surprise right?  These little guys were 100% my sister's doing because she's a lot more ambitious when it comes to artsy type stuff then I am.  I could have made exactly one before I started meandering around the kitchen to start another type of cake pop.  But she perservered and made 8 of these little guys.  She's so talented.

Around the house we call these Mennis and Brooklyn pops.  See, my brother's Boston, Mennis, he was the OG Boston in the family--he could have taught Brooklyn a lot about being more street and less princess.  We miss him.

Borough princess...

I'm a little partial but these may be the cutest cake pops ever.  My sister is the BEST!!!

The pups were made with the help of a bit of marshmallow fondant (recipe can be found in this earlier post). The cake balls were dipped in Wilton's white candy melts, then brushed with chocolate(with a bit of black Wilton color) on both sides. The muzzle, nose and ears were all made from marshmallow fondant and applied after the dipping with candy melts as an adhesive.


Shannon Hardin said...

Does Brooklyn stare at you accusingly when you bite into one of those?

Lila said...

Yes, they just might be the cutest cake pops ever. The dog is pretty cute too.

Lila said...

These are the cutest, your sister is very talented. I may try and make these for my puppies birthday party. So cute!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Melody said...

No frickin way!! Those have got to be THE cutest cake pops ever! You should submit them to Bakerellas site for a book 2 idea!! Love them...good job Monica! :)

Ask her if she wants to try cavaliers :)

Leslie said...

really cute....but were they weird to eat?

Bronwyn said...

Could the princess be due to the fact that she appears to be wearing a rhinstone collar? ;)

Obviously I love anything Boston--I would buy these anyday I saw them in a shop! Cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love me a doggie cake pop. So adorable!

Lila said...

oh dear, way too cute. these rock!

Bonjour! said...

,,,oh so sweet,,,wonder how easy a "bichon frise" would be to make?,,,gathering ideas for my mother's b'day party in may,,,what a cute 'n sweet favor to share with her guests,,,thank you for inspiring,,,

Mary said...

Can't speak to the eating part. I don't really eat the cake pops because I'm not a fan of white chocolate and I definitely couldn't eat any Brooklyn pops.

Not sure about Cavaliers, but we saw some that looked a lot like Bichons when we were researching--there's some white fuzzy dog pop pictures out on the internet.

Lila said...

Way 2 go sister! I thought cake pops were cute b4, but this tops it! This would b fun 4 party favors! Love them!

Ellie said...

These are so darling! I can imagine all of the work that went into them--outstanding!

Lila said...

Love these! Your sister is indeed very talented. If my dog wasn't pure rotten, I'd try this myself. :)

Lila said...

These are so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Looks just like Brooklyn. Cute and cute.


atvmtngirl said...

Those are adorable almost too cute to eat!

Lila said...

absolutely adorable!

Rachel said...

Yoy HAVE to sell these! I want to buy some like yesterday :)



Anonymous said...

I saw these on Bakarellas site and recognized them!!

Lila said...

Entirely way to cute!!! Love these and would buy them in a heartbeat.

cate said...

Oh love these! Cake Pops are great anyway, but these are super adorable!

Lila said...

Oh I could eat up both the cake pops and the puppy! So cute!

Mama Michelle said...

I love these! I linked this post to my blog for my little Giovanni's birthday!

Lila said...

absolutely darling dog and cake pop! I love boston terriers!

Jennell H said...
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Jennell H said...

As a lover of all things Boston Terriers, I have two of them, I can't wait to make these. They are adorable!

Lila said...

OMG these are to cute!