Monday, March 7, 2011

The Grand Canyon West Rim

Thanks much for all of the kind words regarding the loss of my uncle.  You are the absolute best!!!

So my sister and I decided to get out of the smog and congestion in search of fresh country air.  Yeah, you're right, that definitely doesn't sound like me.  But, we did decide that a day trip would be fun and with the Grand Canyon West Rim only a few hours away, it was a pretty easy decision to make.  We packed up one baby, one puppy, enough baby and puppy food and drink to last a three day stranding in remote desert sourroundings and headed east to Hualapai Nation.  That's pronounced wal-a-pie in case you are wondering and not Hula-pi, Hula-pay, Hu-LA-pay, Hu-WAL-a-pay, Hu-WAL-a-pee or any of the numerous other ways I found to say it.  I know because there's a street here in Vegas with the same name and it took me only a gazillion tries to remember.

It was spectacular of course, as only the Grand Canyon can be.  That's a given right?  But I'll share a couple of lessons learned about Grand Canyon West..

  • You have to drive on a potholed dirt road for what seems like quite a distance.  The sign said "20 miles, estmated 45 minutes."  We scoffed. We were foolish.  It might have taken us longer than 45 minutes.
  • You are entering Tribal Land so you will pay for the privilege of seeing the Grand Canyon.  About 41 non tribal dollars per person minimally.  That didn't include Skywalk.  And $15 to put your puppy in a cage in the storage shed. 
  • There are only two viewpoints and no railings anywhere--if you care about those things.
In fairness, we knew all of those things up front.  Well not that "dog boarding" = cage in the horse shed.  But everything else is spelled out on the website so not complaining.   Just giving those who are thinking about making the day trip from Vegas a bit of info.   It is a beautiful place and we don't reget going--the people were ultra friendly, the bus system made getting to the vantage points super easy, and the bus drivers were so friendly! And Skywalk is an ultra cool concept. If you have an extra few hours though and driving distance is not an issue, you may consider heading over to one of the other Canyon rims for US Parks rates, many more vantage points, pet access and some railings.  If any of those things are important.

Enough of that, on to the photos....

Nine months is the perfect age to see the Grand Canyon for the first time.

And this little guy is Skywalk.  Have to admit that when I first read about it on their website, I kind of fell in love a little bit.  It's a glass sidewalk people, that just takes you right over the Grand Canyon.  I so love that idea.  But they don't allow cameras, and half of the point for me is taking my camera.  They say it's because they don't want you dropping your camera on the sidewalk and causing damage to the sidewalk.  I'm pretty sure I have a pretty strong vested interest in not ever dropping my camera and/or that sidewalk breaking while I'm on it it.  They are happy to take your photo on the Skywalk for you to purchase. :) 

And really, with no guard rails, it was almost as if you could see straight down any way.

I had the shot.  There was no danger so I took it. (just in case you were wondering if quoting Top Gun can remain relevant to everyday life--it can.)

And just because. This unfortunate name doesn't really inspire hunger.  Just saying.


Anonymous said...

Love the Grand Canyon (south rim does your mother know you got so close to that ledge?

Lila said...

That cafe sign is hilarious! I love taking pictures of signs all over.

Looks like you had a great visit to the Grand Canyon. I've always wanted to visit the sw but your pictures are making me consider setting up a real trip and just traveling all over. Looks like so much fun!!!

Monica said...

You took it! And broke a major rule...

Lots of fun. Thanks for going! South Rim next weekend?

sophia said...

I was going to say "You took it and broke a major rule of engagement" but looks like Monica beat me too it.

So lovely but you look dangerously close the that ledge....

Bonjour! said...

,,,and you must try soon white river rafting down the colorado, it's a "rush" like no other,,,my parents "honey-mooned" at the grand canyon and i used to think my mother got short-changed because my father didn't take her somewhere more exotic but then i grew up and there is nothing like the canyon, afterall, it's a "wonder" in arizona's back-yard!,,,happy trails like they say in the southwest,,,oh and you broke the rules, i'm telling (smile),,,

Lila said...

That picture makes me think of that song..."wish you would step back from that ledge my friend..." Even though I've never met you bloggy world makes everyone feel like friends right? Lookslike a fun trip!

Lila said...

oh and guano cafe? that is too much!

Mary said...

Ha--no broken rules. We were allowed cameras on the property--just not on the skywalk.

Monica--I would but I don't think Chipmunk or Brooklyn are up for another car ride. :)

Bronwyn said...

That edge picture scares me too. Are you right up to the edge with a long drop between you and the bottom of the canyon?

I've always wanted to visit the GC. Stunning.

No puppies? That just wrong! :)

Anonymous said...

You quoted top gun randomly? That's odd. I don't believe that you got close enough to this animal to photograph it. ;)

looks like fun--still want to do a girls road trip when you get back.


Ellie said...

41$ a person seriously? Wow. Who'd have thought the US gov would be a deal? :) We have the grand canyon slated for next year. Can't wait as all pictures make it look so stunning, including yours!

Lila said...

That skywalk thing is a little freaky. I watched the video and got a bit terrified just from the video. I can't imagine walking it.

Lila said...

Ah, top gun. Perfect for any day, including the Grand Canyon. Love the pics!

Lila said...

I've actually been to all three rims. And this is by far the most convenient to Vegas, but if you get a chance, the other two are outstanding! The no rails kind of freak me out a bit too.