Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Life is funny, but so often not in the "ha ha," kind of way.  We learned that my uncle in Thailand passed away this morning.  You know those moments when you are so completely shocked that it sucks the wind right out of you?  This was one of those moments because it was so unexpected. 

When I think of my trips to Thailand, while so few and short, I cannot separate the time from memories of Jaloon. We could barely communicate, and yet I felt such a tie to him.  I am so thankful for the memories I will always have of him...
  • Memories of my visit and his going out and buying breakfast each morning before I woke up.  He'd hang it on a nail (yes a nail) outside my door so that when this wimpy girl sleeping in the one room with AC woke up, she'd have breakfast.
  • Memories of riding an elephant with him through the jungles up near Chiang Mai.
  • Memories of playing under a waterfall in Chiang Mai.
  • Memories of his driving his 1979 pickup all over the countryside just to make sure we weren't "bored"  and we were able to go out and see Thailand as well as memories of sitting in the back of that pickup with firsthand access to the unique sites and smells of Thailand.  Things are different there.
  • Memories of riding on the back of his motorcycle under the blazing Thai sun and the wind whipping through my hair while he showed me the village and the local sites.  We stopped at the local swimming pond so he could buy "a coke for the American girl."
  • Memories of him taking me into town for the local Songkran festivities and ensuring that every time I turned around I had another drink or food, even if I already had something in my hand.
  • Memories of his pride in showing the landscaping he'd done on the family property, waterfalls and ponds and flowering trees everywhere and all done without books or the internet.  He had a natural eye.
  • Memories of his generosity and how everyone in the village spoke of his willingness to help anyone and everyone.
And of course memories of his pride when he showed me his art studio and paintings.  He loved American icons like Harley Davidson, the Old West, CCR and Levis and capturing those in his paintings.  He sold paintings individually but dreamed his whole life of his first large scale commission.  He'd just received it a few weeks ago and was working on it.  Way to go uncle on your success!  My heart aches at the irony of it. 

You are dearly missed.


Lila said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful memorial to your memories with him.

Anonymous said...

So sorry Mare. Those are lovely memories to have!


Leslie said...

oh mary i am so sorry...what a special gift that you were able to spend those times with him in Thailand.

Lila said...

I'm so sorry. I lost my uncle 6 months ago and know it is so heartbraking. What great memories to hold on to.

Bonjour! said...

,,,i imagine right now, at this very moment, your uncle is painting "heaven" one brush stroke at a time,,,so sorry mary for your loss,,,clearly you brought joy to his world, and it's apparent from your "post" he loved you dearly,,,

Monica said...

I'm crying as I read this. Such a sweet post Mary. Wish I could have known him.

Ellie said...

It is such a bittersweet post and a beautiful memoriam. So sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry. What a blessing to have those memories.

Colleen said...

I'm so sorry. He sounds like a very special person.

Anonymous said...

Hey chica. So sorry. When you come back to denver let me take you out to lunch.


Melody said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle, Mary ~ but I'm so glad you have these wonderful memories of time with him. So sad ~ he really was a gifted artist in many ways!

Lila said...

I'm so sorry. You seem to have had such a special during your visits to Thailand, I love your memory of riding on his motorcycle.

sophia said...

Such beautiful memories. He will live on through your memories and in your heart. Sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

well done.....

Lila said...

This is a beautiful post and his personality really comes through. Very beautiful! Deepest condolences.

atvmtngirl said...

Mary- I am so sorry to hear about your uncle, you have put together a wonderful tribute to him on your blog. I am so glad that you were able to visit him and create all these wonderful memories you have shared. May God provide comfort to you and your family.

Lila said...

So heartbreaking and such a moving tribute. I felt sad at the memories. So sorry for your loss.

sophia said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Praying for healing hearts and comfort for you and your family.

Bronwyn said...

Oh Mary, I'm so sorry. And I'm so sorry for being so late to the post (was out of town late last week). I like the comment about him painting heaven! Hope the healing continues.