Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mac & Cheese Stuffed Poblanos

I love fusion food.  Is it japanese or is it mexican?  How awesome is combining vietnamese with cuban?  Thai and french? With fusion, you don't have to decide on one nationality of food, you can have the awesomeness of all different kinds of food rolled up into one presentation. 

Maybe I like it so much because I'm the human equivalent of fusion.  When people can't guess my nationality because my features go back and forth between my two nationalities, they usually just ask "what are you?"  I think I'm going to just start saying I'm fusion.  "Who me? I'm fusion."

This fusion recipe all began with this cheddar. Yes, it's chipotle cheddar.  That's pretty remarkable cheddar right?  I knew I wanted to make mac and cheese with it.  American with a mexican twist. 


And then I was roasting peppers for the corn salsa recipe I made last week and  wondered what would happen if the mac and cheese and the poblano had a little meet and greet.

They look pretty happy together. And of course a generous topping of more cheese on top can't hurt.

Here we have the mini cast iron skillets again.  I wasn't lying when I said I use these ALL the time.  I throw them on the grill sometimes and they look no worse for the wear.

Mac and cheese inside of roasted poblanos is a pretty outstanding flavor combo.  Love the fiery spicy flavor, but it still has the creamy noodle goodness you associate with mac and cheese. If you can't find chipotle cheddar you could opt to leave it out, or you could throw in 1 minced chipotle pepper with a teaspoon of sauce into the mac and cheese if you like more fire.  Either way, the flavor of the poblano still shines and that's what it's all about. 

Don't let this one fool you, she's fusion too.  She's only one part cuteness. The other part is pure rotten. 

Mac and Cheese Stuffed Poblanos

5 poblanos
3 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 cups milk
2 cups grated chipotle cheddar cheese, plus more for topping
1/2 cup grated Gruyère
1/2 cup chipotle cheddar--cubed smallish
1/2 pound elbow macaroni
1/2 cup bread crumbs mixed with additional 2 tbsp butter, melted

  1. Place a large pan of water onto boil  and preheat grill to high
  2. Preheat grill to high and char poblanos until blackened, turning often to char each side equally. Place in bowl and cover with plate.
  3. Cook macaroni until outside of pasta is cooked and the inside is underdone, 5 to 6 minutes.
  4. Transfer the macaroni to a colander, rinse under cold running water, and drain well.
  5. Melt butter in a pan over medium heat. When the butter bubbles, add the flour and spices.
  6. Cook, stirring, 2 minutes. This is super duper important as it cooks out the grainy raw flour taste.
  7. While whisking, pour in milk and whisk vigorously while heating. Continue cooking, whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and becomes thick.
  8. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in shredded cheddar cheese, and Gruyère and stir well. 
  9. Peel poblanos, slice one side open and remove seeds.
  10. Add cubed cheddar to the mac and cheese and stir again.  The cubes shouldn't melt in the sauce--they'll melt inside the pepper leaving melty oozy pockets of cheese
  11. Stuff mac and cheese into peppers, sprinkle additional cheese on top, place in cast iron pan or casserole dish and cook on med grill for 10-15 minutes or in 375 oven for 15-20 mins.


Lila said...

Brooklyn definitely looks more sweet than rotten. :)

Once again, these look so delicious! You have convinced me to buy these cute little pans and when I finish with dutch babies, I'll be making mac n cheese.

Lila said...

I had a macncheese that was made with green chilies at a restaurant and it was my favorite macncheese ever. Can't wait to give this a try!

Lila said...

According to my daughter I'll be making these soon. They do look great so maybe she'll get her wish!

Bronwyn said...

I guess I'm fusion too! Love it and love the peppers. Do yummy looking I'm trying to motivate myself to cook or at least find a local restaurant that makes it.

Lila said...

I refuse to believe something so cute could have any rotten in her. She looks so angelic in that photo!

Lila said...

Looks so yummy and just the kind of flavors we love! I have never seen chipolte cheese but definitely going to look for it. It sounds delicious!

Lila said...

I saw this recipe this morning and just happened to have poblanos. I used velvet because that's all my kids will eat, but made these stuffed version for my husband and I and we thoroughly enjoyed eating macaroni and cheese with the kids for the first time in a long time! This is a great and delicious idea, thank you!

Lila said...

oh so yummy, love western spicy flavored dishes like this and we love to grill. We will be adding this to our summertime list!

Lila said...

I love peppers and especially chili rellenos and this recipe sort of reminds me of those flavors. Mmmm, mmm!

Monica said...

OK seriously could this look any yummier? I'm drooling...

Lila said...

This is the next one going on the menu! Looks delicious!