I am not a summer person. I know I'm in the minority but give me a good snowstorm over 90 degree heat any day. When the temperature begins to spike (that's anything over 70 degrees in my book), a little margarita is sometimes called for. My friend Mel made these beer margs, or beergaritas as they are sometimes called in restaurants, for us and I've been hooked since then. If you are rarely in the mood to freshly squeeze eleventy hundred limes and the neon green mixes at the stores are out of the question, these margs might just be up your alley.
There's really no recipe here, you just take one bottle of beer (Corona's kind of implied for a margarita, si?) one can of limeade concentrate, one can of Sprite/7up and some tequila. Pour the Sprite, limeade concentrate (don't add water and make it into limeade) and beer into a pitcher. Use the limeade can to measure out some tequila. I like about 2/3 of the can worth of Jose's goodness, but that's a preference thing. I think Mel used a full can. I like to add a tsp of salt directly to the marg pitcher as well because I do love the salt but don't always love the licking the rim of cup thing. Mix, pour over ice, garnish with a lime and marvel that you just made a pretty fantastic marg in 2 minutes and without using the neon green stuff. This one has a great fresh (as fresh as concentrate can be) lime flavor, the beer cuts the sweetness quite a bit and the carbonation is subtle but my favorite part. Love these suckas, especially when it's.....um...77 degrees out. (????) I swear it feels hotter than that.
In puppy news, we have a guest over for the weekend, and I have to admit, I've never realized what a little stinker Brooklyn really is. It takes a lot of chutzpah to obstinately stake a claim on a crate belonging to a guy that outweighs you by 100 lbs. It takes even more chutzpah to dart in and steal his treats from right under his nose. I didn't get that shot because I was immobilized by the sheer shock that such things could happen. I may have to admit she's a little bratty.

Who'd have thunk they could be such buds?
Now this is the kind of recipe I can follow! We are having a bbq next weekend too so these will be a perfect addition. I love that they look so easy!
They are just too cute. I have a mastiff too and he is the gentlest thing and will play with any dog. They are very lade back dogs!
I can't wait to try these margaritas!
I had beergaritas at my friends cinco de mayo cookout and had asked her for the recipe. She told me and it sounded it easy but I forgot the ingredients. Duh huh? It really is easy. I can't believe I forgot but I'm so excited to make these now!
I totally forgot about these. We used to make these for girls night at least every other time we got together because it was so easy. It's really good with cherry 7 up too! Love your blue mason jars. My store keeps getting them in and then sellling out immediately. So cute!
And the dogs are hsysterical. They look like bffs walking next to each other but the size difference is wow!
margaritas are my favorite! my husband makes a killer one with the freshly squeezed limes but we don't always feel like going through all the trouble and the mess, which I have to clean up. this looks wonderful!
Yummy! I love margaritas but we never make them because they're so much work and mess and the store bought stuff is out of the question. These I think I could make.
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