With my project wrapping up, I don't anticipate any more trips to Bozeman. While I have no sadness over not having to make the trip anymore, it was really a lovely and peaceful little town. Actually, it looks a lot like Colorado when you get into the mountains.

I really, really wanted to pet this guy. Horns aside, doesn't he looks so soft and snuggly? This species is known as creaturous horniferous. If someone leaves a comment and tells me this is a cow or some other common animal, I will of course be mortified. How does one learn what animals are? My puzzles in childhood had "pig," "cows," and "cats."

Right outside Bozeman in a little town called Belgrade, I found this beautiful old Victorian home...full of fabric. The only thing that could top that in my book would be an old Victorian full of yarn. Or All Clad and other kitchen goodies. Oooh, what about an entire house full of cookbooks?!

Each and every room on every floor was filled with fabulous, beautiful fabric....

A claw foot tub is only more spectacular when used to store fabric.
Amazing pictures as always. It makes me want to take a trip out to Bozeman and after seeing that quilt shop, I'm sure it wouldn't take much effort to get Leslie to come with me. I'm so in the mood for a road trip!
ooooo! that would be heavenly for Leslie!!!!!
Mary, it's a Scottish Highland Cow. So not really common (at least not here).
i see i am not the first to mention that it is a cow...a special cow, but just a cow. they are my favorite. SHould i ever have cows they would be the ones. along with my alpacas and chickens and goats...but i digress. the fabric house is AMAZING. i wish i was in Bozeman...i would want to go there every day. Your pictures as usual are amazing. that barn picture should be in a contest...it looks so pretty with the mountains behind it and the red barn...so pretty...and you would win said contest of course.
I second the comments re: your amazing photos. I visited the area several years ago and just as lovely as the photos show. Thanks for bringing back memories.
Of course it's a cow... :) I don't remember seeing any of these, but it does just support that things are that much better if they're Scottish.
Gorgeous!! You're making me miss the West even more. And I think that's a Scottish highland cow. Looks like it anyway. I had a pic of one on my blog a few posts ago.
GREAT pics.
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