Monday, December 13, 2010

Cherry Kisses Shortbread

 There's something about a Hershey's Kiss sitting on top of a cookie that screams "Christmas."  While I have always adored these types of cookies from an aesthetic perspective, I struggled with them slightly from a taste perspective....peanut butter, chocolate...any flavor combination, all because Hershey's kisses were milk chocolate.  And while 90 percent of cookies are given away around here, I couldn't bring myself to make dozens of milk chocolate topped kisses because I think milk chocolate is evil and you shouldn't spread evil around during Christmas.  Really now, that's just grinchy. But then I discovered Hershey's made a dark chocolate version and all was well again.

I used to make a chocolate peanut butter version, but a few years ago, a friend found this recipe and asked me to make them for her.  The photo was so pink and pretty--how do you say no to that?  Turns out, the photo was so pink because the original recipe calls for food coloring.  I figure the maraschinos have enough of that and eliminated that part of the recipe.  If you like food coloring though--these are so absolutely delightful looking in pink with a white glittery sugar coating and dark chocolate kiss on top.  And aren't Christmas cookies all about looking delightful?  Maybe someday I'll cave. 

These are essentially a shortbread cookie with a bit of cherry flecks and flavor.  I'll stress that again because the cherry flavor is completely understated--just adding the slightest perfect addition of flavor to already perfect shortbread.

Cherry Kisses Shortbread
  • 1 cup butter (1/2 pound)
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tbsp maraschino cherry juice
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 cups unbleached flour
  • 1/2 cup maraschino cherries, drained and chopped
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar for rolling
  • 25-30 dark chocolate Hershey's chocolate kisses
  1. Cream butter and powdered sugar together, add cherry juice, cherries, almond extract and salt and beat well.
  2. Add flour 1 cup at a time. Scrape bowl. Dough should be stiff
  3. Using a small cookie scoop measure out dough and roll into balls.  Roll each ball in granulated sugar.  Place dough on greased cookie sheets leaving a little room between them to spread.
  4. Bake at 350F degrees for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven and immediately place an unwrapped Hershey's chocolate kiss on the top of each cookie, pressing down slightly, not too much.
  6. Let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.
  7. Makes 25-30 cookies.


Bronwyn said...

These look quite tasty and I love that they are not just the ordinary pb blossoms.
glad your boston is feeling better. She is adorable.

Colleen said...

Ok... when I first read the name of the cookies, I was kind of thinking, ewww. But after reading and seeing that the cherry flavor is understated (I don't like cherry flavoring), I'm thinking they just might be yummy. Although, I'm not sure if I can convince my milk chocolate and peanut butter loving family to make the switch.

Shannon Hardin said...

These had just the right amount of cherry in them, I'm afraid I helped myself to three of them throughout the day, inexcusably depriving my coworkers. Oh, well; you snooze, you lose!

Mary said...

:) It definitely has a cherry flavor. If you are not a cherry fan--these are not for you. PB Blossoms are a crowd favorite. :)

good thing because I have one more batch of cookies for the office tomorrow.

sophia said...

I love this idea but then again I love cherries straight from the jar. Your photos are always quite lovely.

Brown Family Blog said...


Lila said...

absolutely correct in that christmas cookies should have a hersheys kiss somewhere in the midst. what a great change from the PB blossoms!

im with you here--milk chocolate: blech

Lynn said...

I really like these. The worst part about making them is unwrapping the kisses! I am, after all, the lazy cook! The problem with making these is that there are always requests to make at least a double batch. When the children were young, they loved to unwrap the kisses and put them in the cookies, now that they are OLD they have no interest except for eating them.

I love this version and yours look particularly good!