Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Baking

Christmas cookies round these parts always start with some tried and trues such as these...

and these...

One day off and one drugged and mellow puppy allows for a pretty productive day of baking cookies. I'm kind of thinking cookie baking day should be a recognized holiday. And even better is that just as quickly as all of these cookies were baked, they were out the door.  I'm offically cookie free--granted, it took shoving some extras into each gift box, but checkmark next to the "bake cookies for neighbors and friends"  task.  Yes, it feels pretty awesome. Woohooo.   New cookie recipes to come.

Actually, the one Christmas cookie that didn't make it out the door were these beauties.  There's nothing like liver and kidney cookies to help recuperation and ring in the holidays.


Anonymous said...

Hi sweetpea. Thanks for the cookies. The boys have eaten the entire box already without saving any for me and i let them. Bad mama. It was great seeing you Saturday night-thanks for coming!

And sooooooo glad we didnt' get the kidney and liver cookies. that pup of yours is the cutest...and a little rotten like her mama. ;) In a good way.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Thanks for the wonderful cookies. I LOVE those peppermint ones. Maybe someday I'll try my hand at baking. That's funny right?


sophia said...

These are so pretty. Can't wait to see the next recipes!

Monica said...

Hope little Brooklyn is doing well!

Bronwyn said...

Love the doggie cookies and the christmas lights!

Monica said...

Chocolateermint cookies.... Soooooo YUM! And toffee...and cupcakes....and brie...and....well...everything. Thanks for all the treats