Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Peanut and Chipmunk Christmas

Alla mia famiglia in Tailandia, scusate il ritardo.  Sono qui le foto di Natale della famiglia.

I don't speak Italian, but I wish I did.  Any other language really--but Italian is especially sexy.  There's an episode of Friends (Hey--I so haven't mentioned that show in ages) where Phoebe's argument on why Joey should continue to date a girl is that she speaks four languages.  "Man do you know what guys want!"  I suspect from the laughter, that this was sarcasm. But I still think speaking many languages is way, way cool.  I just don't though it's not from a lack of effort.  Heck, English wasn't even my first language, but do you think I still speak any Thai?  Not a lick.  Five years of French, two years of Spanish, one year of Japanese and one local community class in Italian and do you know what I speak?  English.   So it is true that I don't speak Italian and neither does the majority of my family in Thailand.  But the ones who have the internet access do.  Mi dispiace, let the Christmas photos begin....

Getting a Peanut and Chipmunk to sit still long is not easy...  This was also my first attempt at an animated GIF. It takes a moment to load and is not technically the best sequence for animation, but now that I know I can do it, watch out peeps.  Photoshop(Elements in this case) is truly the best.


Leslie said...

these pics are awesome...those little girls are too cute

sophia said...

OK-I won't bug you on how you created an animated gif but I'm definitely going to figure it out and try it with some shots I have from the park. Love the photos-the one with the young man (your brother?) is a grat shot!

Monica said...

I didn't know the Thailand peeps read your blog - very cool.

Love the animated pic. You are oh so creative.

Oh, and...

Uso il babelfish per parlare tutta la lingua che voglio.

Anonymous said...

I just had to comment, especially about your French. Remember the restaurant in Rouen and those French speaking Brit guys? That was the best--You made me remeber how hard we laughed. Your french is perfect cherie! :)


Lila said...

So fun and what a lovely family! Great photos!

Sara @ Saucy Dipper said...

What a nice looking family. Great job with the pics. Now I want to learn to make animated gifs with photos, too.

atvmtngirl said...

Great pictures! The girls are adorable! The animated pics are really fun.

rosasdolcevita said...

What beautiful family photos!

BTW, great job on your Italian!