Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

Hoping your Christmases were joyful and full of family, friends and blessings!!!

Christmas here was lovely I did my best to have my camera ready for all of the Peanut and Chipmunk cuteness. Just a word of caution that this will be a photo heavy post with few words.  But really, who needs words when there is so much cuteness to behold?  

My sister was in from Vegas for the holidays so we took a little family trip to Hammonds Candy Factory.  They moved their building and the new one seems much bigger (and much busier.)  It was a bit of a zoo on a Saturday right before Christmas. 

Peanut is not such a peanut anymore. Puppies are still peanuts though.

Chipmunk is not such a little one anymore either.  She was also quite a bit harder to get in front of the camera but I was able to sneak a shot here and there.

A little Dickensian don't you think?  "Please sir...."

My brother has a favorite pic of a two year old Peanut posing this way for some inexplicable reason.   Peanut wanted to recreate her Daddy's favorite pic just for him.  Love this girl. 

The almost pure darkness of my mom's living room taxed my poor camera's low light capabilities. I'm sure that if I wasn't opening up my aperture to 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6,  I would have missed almost all of these following shots--and at ISO 1600 the noise was a bit much even with Lightroom noise reduction.    Justification enough to start looking at a full frame camera?  I think...maybe so. 

Is there any other scent that can transport you back to childhood faster than Playdoh?

It was a lovely Christmas with family.  Maybe sister should consider moving back to Denver. 


Lila said...

Peanut and Chipmunck are so big they hardly look familiar. And of course I feel like I know them watching them grow up here! They are cute as ever.

Happy New Year!

Lila said...

We've been meaning to go to Hammonds forever and my mother in law is in town for New Years and has always wanted to go. I think I know what we are going to do!

What a beautiful christmas and photos!

Lila said...

The girls are so adorable and Brooklyn is such a sweetie too. Hope your Christmas was merry and bright!

Lila said...

I got a new Canon 5D Mark 3 for Christmas and I'm completely overwhelmed. I do notice the difference with the full frame though.

Those girls are darling!

Lila said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Brooklyn and your sweet little nieces. Love the gorgeous photos and those sweet faces!

Lila said...

So cute!

Bronwyn said...

Merry Late Christmas and Happy Early New Year! Looks like you had a wonderful time with the family. Your nieces are just dolls and you know I love pix of that sweet Brooklyn!