Sunday, December 9, 2012

Eggnog Crumb Cake

I know the very mention eggnog sends a visceral shudder through some people.  I am not one of those people--I think eggnog is a grand thing really.  I don't think I could just chug some of it down in a glass but eggnog in baking, or even a splash in coffee once in awhile is okay by me.  Coming from a girl who hates sugar or flavored creamers of any kind in her coffee, that's a statement.  

I especially love one big fat cup of eggnog in a super-fat-crumb-topped coffee cake.  Yes indeedy. 

Does anyone else pass on the big KitchenAid mixer often for the quick convenience of a hand mixer or is it just me?

The eggnog flavor comes through pretty nicely in this coffee cake and those rich brown sugary crumbs are the perfect addition.  I still swear by the crumb topping from the New York Times recipe years ago.  When you melt the butter first and mix in the flour to make a moist crumb that you can aggressively squeeze  pinch into big fat crumbs in a delicate and lady-like manner, well, you have the perfect crumb cake. 

Crumb cake should be served with coffee.  As should everything really. 

Eggnog Crumb Cake

For the Crumb Topping:
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp salt
1 stick butter, melted
1 1/2 cups flour

For the Crumb Cake
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup eggnog
1 cup greek yogurt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 tsp freshly ground nutmeg
2 1/3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt

For the Eggnog Icing
2 tbsp butter melted
3 tbsp eggnog
1 1/2 cup confectioners sugar

  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Grease and flour a tube pan. 
  2. In a large bowl, beat together together butter and sugar until fluffy.  Beat in eggs one at a time. 
  3. Beat in the eggnog, yogurt, nutmeg and vanilla extract.
  4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt. 
  5. Add dry ingredients into into wet ingredients and stir until just blended.
  6. Spread the batter into the greased pan and tap on counter to remove air bubbles. 
  7. Make crumb topping. In a medium bowl, whisk sugars, spices and salt into melted butter until smooth. Add flour and stir thoroughly.  (Can make earlier but may need to reheat prior to remelt butter...melted butter creates a damp crumb that can easily be crumbled into big crumbs)
  8. Crumble crumb mixture into big pieces over top of batter. 
  9. Bake for 35-45 minutes, until a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean.
  10. Cool on rack for 5 minutes.  Place a plate on top of the cake and flip the cake over onto the plate.  Place serving plate on bottom of cake and flip cake over to right-side up. 
  11. For icing whisk together butter and eggnog in a small saucepan over low heat.  Bring to a simmer for 2 mins, whisking constantly.  Cool and whisk  in confectioners sugar.  (Can skip the simmering of the eggnog if you are going to be refrigerating the crumb cake)
  12. Drizzle icing over completely cooled cake


Lila said...

I really love the flavor of eggnog to but no one in my house will drink it but me. My kids like eggnog cookies and my husband will put some in his coffee sometimes but this a great recipe to make the whole family happy. Looks so delicious!

Lila said...

Yummy! We just bought our annual gallon of eggnog and like you we can't really drink it straight but we are always looking for fun new recipes. This is right up our alley for sure!

Lila said...

OK, this is eggnog I can get on board with. I like eggnog flavored things but not really drinking it even in my coffee. My mom in law makes these super eggnog cookies with cinnamon frosting so I think I'll surprise the family with this during our Christmas break together. Thanks it looks so pretty too!

Lila said...

Glad to know I"m not the only one that never pulls out her stand mixer. Mine serves as a storage bucket for all the odds and ends in my kitchen and my husband likes to point out how much I had to have one. Oh well.

This is one gorgeous cake and definitely goining on my list for Christmas Eve breakfast with our extended family.

Julia said...

Perfect comfort food! Love eggnog and would drink it just like that!

Lila said...

Oooh, delicious!

Bronwyn said...

Those big crumbs look so delicious. It's a combination of two my favorite things at Starbucks: Eggnogg lattes and Starbucks coffee cake. YUMMY!

Lila said...

Cannot wait to try this. I love eggnog, it's my favorite season of the year! :) This looks amazing

Ellie said...

Beautiful and delicious looking as usual. My husband was giving me hints on this one all day since he saw it first. :)

Lila said...

I looove eggnog - it's one of those few things I encountered in America and just got addicted to. The cake sounds absolutely heavenly! :)

Lila said...

On Christmas Eve, my whole fam sits down & watches A Christmas Story while eating breakfast for dinner. A total classic.
This is the perfect dish to serve , I never try eggnog as we cannot find it inthe market, but I saw a recipe to make it at home, so I can't wait to make this

sophia said...

I agree with the starbucks comment from Bronwyn I go to Starbucks just for the eggnog lattes and crumb cake and here they are combined. OMG!

Lila said...

I made this last night because my bf is a huge eggnog freak and we couldn't even wait for it to cool. These crumbs are so amazing and the eggnogg flavor was great!

Lila said...

This looks phenomenal. We are always looking for a great coffee cake recipe. We also order it everytime we go to starbucks. YUMMY!

Lila said...

Made this today. YUMMY, yummy for our tummies! I really liked the eggnog glaze on top of the crumble.

Leslie said...

oh goodness that looks so yummy

Lila said...


lisa g. said...

Can I use sour cream in place of greek yogurt? One cup of it? Thanks, its looks yummy!

lisa g. said...

Can I use sour cream in place of greek yogurt? One cup of it? Thanks, its looks yummy!

lisa g. said...

Can I use sour cream in place of greek yogurt? One cup of it? Thanks, its looks yummy!

lisa g. said...

Can I use sour cream in place of greek yogurt? One cup of it? Thanks, its looks yummy!

Mary said...

Hi Lisa. I think you can usually safely swap out sour cream for greek yogurt since sour cream makes for a pretty moist cake. My mom just told me she substituted sour cream for yogurt in my blueberry banana bread recipe and it was great that way. Hope that helps!