Monday, January 20, 2014

Cottage Cheese Pancakes with Coconut Berry Topping

You thought I'd have another Game Day Broncos recipe today right?  :) :) :)  I'll give you a bit of a break but SuperBowl countdown has already started.   It's been a very long time since we've been in the big one so you betcha, there's more Broncos themed foodie stuff coming up. 

Today though,  I'm sharing the world's easiest pancakes batter and piggybacking off yesterday's  healthier eats theme.  In the blender is oatmeal, coconut flour, cottage cheese, baking powder and vanilla.  I don't add any sugar but if you like your pancakes a bit sweetened, you can add it at this point.  Just a couple of eggs and a couple of minutes blending and the batter is ready to go.  

Yep, easy peasy.  For this recipe, most of the effort is in the topping. 

The topping itself isn't all that time consuming either.  I added a 6oz container each of blueberries and blackberries to a pan along with 2 tbsp of honey and 1/4 cup coconut milk.  I freeze mine in ice cube trays for smoothies when I open a can.  

Cook berries on med-low heat until it forms a thickened syrup. Remove from heat and add one additional 6oz container of fresh blackberries and serve warm.  Or eat it by the spoonful warm.  Either way it's good stuff.  

Next post up isn't quite so healthy but who can say no to any Broncos colored party food? :)  I almost never make puppy chow but when I do, it's shockingly blue.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes with Coconut Berry Topping

Pancake Ingredients
1 cup cottage cheese
2/3 cup oatmeal
2/3 cup coconut flour (or you can increase oatmeal to 1 cup) 
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla 

Coconut Berry Topping Ingredients
2 6oz containers of blackberries
1 6oz container of blueberries
2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup coconut milk

Coconut oil for greasing skillet

  1. Add all pancake ingredients to blender and mix for 2-3 minutes or until smooth.
  2. Lightly grease a skillet with coconut oil and heat over medium heat.  
  3. Pour desired size pancakes into heated skillet.  Cook until golden on the bottom and bubbles form and begin to pop. Flip and cook until golden on other side.
  4. Top with your warm coconut berry topping and serve immediately.


Lila said...

Oh wow does this look good and just what my family needs since we are trying to get off of wheat but we love our pancakes! Cant wait to try this!

Lila said...

I made these for breakfast this morning and they were a hit! My kids ate them without question which is the definition of hit in our house. We even made the sauce using frozen berries and I added a little bit more coconut milk and it was so yummy!

Lila said...

The pancakes are a fantastic idea and I love the cottage cheese! Also very excited to see how you made the puppy chow since we are having a Yankees themed party for my son's 7th birthday and this would be fabulous!

sophia said...

I'm picking up cottage cheese today to make these. My kids usually hate dairy even mac and cheese which i know is weird. I'll see if this works!

sophia said...

I'm picking up cottage cheese today to make these. My kids usually hate dairy even mac and cheese which i know is weird. I'll see if this works! I also like that the topping is just mostly fruit!

Lila said...

I'm making these tomorrow! this looks so good, I wish I saw it before I made breakfast this morning. I really like the fresh berries in the sauce!