Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy (Simple) 2014!!!!

Happiest of New Year's wishes to all.  :) :)

Have you chiseled those 2014 New Year's Resolutions in stone yet?  

This year, I am embracing the idea of the New Year's Resolution.  Really, it's more like a 2014 theme than resolution.  I've never really done the whole New Year's Resolutions thing--I tend to make and fail at resolutions throughout the year.  Mazel Tov right?

Lately though, I've felt tied down and overwhelmed by...well, my own stuff.  I try to put dishes away and have to move them to storage shelves in the basement.  I put my laundry away and wonder how i can really need a full bureau, dresser and two closets.  Books fall off of shelves randomly and I have looked around my home many times and wonder how one human can own so much stuff. 

Not to be be pseudo-profound really but lately I've noticed how the more I have, the fewer choices I feel I have.  I cannot decide which cookbook to cook from because the selection overwhelms me so I walk away without looking at any of them.  I wear the same 40 garments always and I often don't cook or bake because the thought of digging through the pans tires me.  

Maybe it's mid-life crisis, but I often think how freeing it would be to be able to pack up a suitcase, all of my photography gear, electronics and only my favorite things that will fit in my jeep, and just drive to Alberta, Canada to work on a horse ranch and whisper to horses.  Ok so that might be attributed to watching too much Heartland on Hulu, but even if I really wanted to move to a horse ranch, I couldn't because I have too much stuff and I've only ridden a horse once.  (I also just watched R5 Sons Alaska so a life offgrid and accessible only by bush plane seems like a perfectly reasonable aspiration as well.  I could totally fix a broken septic tank or build a cabin from just trees and stuff.)

Yeah, I know I'm not fooling anyone.  I'm hardly minimalist material and if you know me, you are nodding your head.  Even the word minimalism conjures up images in my head of sparse modern furniture in sterile looking homes -- I don't ever see myself there. Heck my list of items to take when I run away leads to the conclusion that I'm hardly about moving into a tent and living without wifi.  Life needs wifi.

Maslow it seems, wholeheartedly agrees. 

Even though minimalism to me doesn't mean a house filled with 7 items, I am  embracing the idea that minimalism is more about being deliberate in what I own, my stewardship of my money and how that impacts my personal time and values.

So welcome 2014---the year of simplicity,  quality and love over quantity and lukewarm attachment to crap.   I hope.  

This first quote that is my 2014 motivation is from becoming minimalist, a fantastic and inspirational site!  Apologies on the others but I don't know who to attribute them to unless Pinterest counts. :)  


sophia said...

My husband is on the same need to purge things while I am a candidate for Hoarders. It makes for some interesting "discussions" for us but I really do wish I wanted to purge more things. I just become so attached to everything!
I love the wifi hierarchy!

Lila said...

Happy New Year to you too! I'm right there with you! 2014 will be the year of getting rid of useless stuff and clutter. Hip, hip, hooray! I watch Heartland too and my husband thinks I'm nuts when I say we need to move to the Canadian Rockies. :)

Lila said...

I couldn't agree more! I tried it last year but with kids it was really hard. You've motivated me to try again!

Lila said...

I really like the mother theresa quote and think minimalism is about finding what's important to you and letting the rest of that distracts you fade away. I purged a few years ago and then found that I had more time and focused on stuff around me a lot less. It actually reduced a lot of stress too. I didn't realize how much of my energy was tied up in cleaning and organizing and all of my clutter! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was motivated enough to want this! The kids stuff is everywhere and I always think I want to get rid of stuff everywhere but then it's too overwhelming. I really like the idea for sure!

Lila said...

Happy new year and good luck. I love purging things so do it all the time. My husband says I'd purge him if he didn't pay attention. I definitely wouldn't go that far but it's so freeing to get rid of excess for sure!

Lila said...

I just love this post and the idea of decluttering. Maybe I'll adopt this for 2014. I still have a pretty full year to get it done!

Lila said...

This is such a great thing. I've done it but I seem to reaccumulate stuff but you've motivated me to purge again!

Lila said...

I love this. I've been trying so hard too but it's not easy especially with kids bringing stuff home that we need to save. My basement is a lost pit of junk. Someday though. :)

Lila said...

I love this so much I can't even tell you how much. It's been my goal now for the past few months and I have to say it's easier said than done but well worth the results. Hope your purge is going well!