Monday, February 28, 2011

Cake Pops

If you've been around baking blogs at all, you are sure to recognize the cake pop made oh so popular by Bakerella and her inspiring baking website.  I have to admit that the first time I read the process of crumbling the cake all up and then mixing frosting into it I thought "huh?"  But these ultra cute cake pops just kept popping up all over the blogsphere and it was hard to resist their charm. That being said, I still wasn't quick to pick up her Cake Pops book despite the fact that everything in it was so cute, you couldn't turn your eyes away.  I have a cupcake book with quite possibly the cutest cupcake ideas ever, and still I can't find the motivation to make corn on the cob, or bunny tail cupcakes.  And quite frankly, cake pops seemed like a whole lot of work.  I try to avoid individually sized food of any kind.

My sister was evil though and picked up the book and we've been hooked all weekend.  As in we keep making batches hooked or we don't even eat them but we still keep making them hooked.  Have to admit it's a pretty fun activity when you are making them with someone else.

I won't explain the process since it's really Bakerella's to share--jump over to her site to see instructions. 

AND the cuteness only gets better--we have the CUTEST of the cake pops coming up in a future post.  Don't want to ruin the surprise, but I will say that Brooklyn is awfully cute, and cake pops are also awfully cute as well. 


Ellie said...

Soooooo adorable. I've always considered making these too but they do seem like quite a bit of work for a two bite dessert. But just so cute!

Lila said...

Possibly the cutest little things ever. Love Bakerella!

Were they as time consuming as they seem?

Melody said...

so, so cute - love the little chicks - how do they taste?

Lila said...

Way to cute. I tried making these awhile back and they were so much work. But they were tasty and my office loved them. I made the basic cupcake ones. Yours are so cute!

Leslie said...

oh these are cute...wish i could share some with you.

Mary said...

Ellie, Renee and Carol--they were soooooo much work but it is a fun two person activity.

Mel--they taste ok. The red velvet was better than the strawberry batch but in the end it has all of that candy coating and that tastes like white chocolate. YOu know how I feel about that. But that's not stopping the production line.

Leslie--if you were just a bit closer we'd give you gobs of them. My sis had to take a "bouquet" to both daycare and one to work so we'd have more space. ;)

Bonjour! said...

,,,cute, cute, cute,,,i imagine they are yummy!,,,

Lila said...

these are so stinkin cute! I love Bakarella's site. We once made the cupcake pops but we've yet to make the cake bites. Cute, cute!

Lila said...

I ordered some of these online for a birthday party and they were $3 a piece! I loved them anyway but you should sell yours! They are every bit as as cute as the ones I bought!

sophia said...

These are about the cutest things ever! Love the little molded cupcake pops-thanks for sharing the link!

Elsa said...

I've been wanting to make these ever since I saw them on Bakerella's blog! I love the ice cream cone ones! I might just try to persuade my sister to make them with me too.... lol

Elsa said...

Btw how did you shape the "cones" for the ice cream cone cake bites?

Mary said...


Elsa--Wilton makes a candy mold for cordials. We painted in the ice cream cone colored candy melts(white plus some wilton paste coloring) and when it hardened, we filled with a cake ball and then dipped the top. Hope that helps! It is a fun family activity! :)

Lila said...

I love Bakarella's site and all of her cake pops. These are so cute!!!

atvmtngirl said...

You and your sister are super talented! But when are you coming back to Colorado???

Mary said...

I don't know Ash. Maybe never. ;)