Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valley of Fire

I'm a big fan of wandering when I'm traveling.  I've been known to turn a 8 hour road trip into a 12 hour trip just by getting off the interstate and wandering down country roads or taking "little detours."  Moab is just a teeny-tiny 120 mile detour off of I-70 on the way from Denver to Vegas.  I was so tempted.  I even started to get off the exit. But then I realized I was already about 2 hours behind where I thought I would be because of a little detour in Glenwood Springs and another in Palisades, so I stayed on course.  I was a bit glad I did when I hit all of that snow as that alone added hours to my trip.  But there is still a part of me that was really sad to miss Moab...that is until I visited Valley of Fire State Park.  While not exactly the same, this little Nevada gem went a long way in satiating my need to see desert rock formations.  Truthfully, I'd never even heard of Valley of Fire until my sister recommended I head up there to hike instead of Red Rock Canyon.  It was a bit farther (55 miles) but well worth the trip.  Smart sister.

I don't know why she looks off into the distance when I take her photo or what she's looking at.  I'm pretty sure she thinks she's a supermodel.

Since I'm not so great with remembering place names, we'll just call this Rattlesnake Ridge.

This one was taken in Rattlesnake Ravine.

And I'm pretty sure this one is Rattlesnake Recline.

And here we have Rattlesnake Rock.

Well look at that, my paranoia is justified.  Sidewinder = rattlesnake.  Note that Tarantulas are "essentially harmless to humans."  No such claim is made in the Sidewinder's description.

Luckily we didn't run into snakes of any kind.  I would absolutely recommend this State Park if you are traveling to the Vegas area. 


Bonjour! said...

,,,love, love, love the view from your,,,the photos remind me of sedona arizona,,,b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.,,,
there's something wonderful about "going the distance" and a "little bit out of the way" to witness the beauty with our own eyes,,,tarantulas were often the monday morning "show 'n tell" item growing up,,,daddy would put them in the transparent container (a jar with plenty of air ventilation so they could breathe) and i would take them to school to show off,,,on my journey home, after school, through the desert, i would swiftly open the lid, gently lay the container down and watch the tarantula scamper on its way for freedom, traveling its familiar territory,,, i love your blog!,,,

Bonjour! said...

,,,view from your "lens",,,(smile) often the brain is quicker than the fingers typing,,,

Melody said...

I think the Rattlesnake Recline shot looks like a snowman made out of rocks...and look how BIG Brooklyn is in this last shot - she looks like a Boston Godzilla next to those itty bitty rocks :)

sophia said...

LOVE that first photo. I love them all actually but that first one is just stunning. Your pup looks so happy to be basking in the sun!

Shannon Hardin said...

You voluntarily went hiking? In a location allegedly containing snakes?

Are you sure you're okay and not suffering from a personality disorder of some kind?

Lila said...

Gorgeous! I've always wanted to visit the southwest. Love these and your pics of Santa Fe from last year!

Ellie said...

To think I thought Vegas was all about the Strip and gambling. This is stunning!

Leslie said...

Moab is just up the road from where Chris grew up!! pretty there. i love the pictures...exploring on a road trip is the best part

Anonymous said...

Beauuuuutiful scenery and pictures. Can I ask what lens you used?

Monica said...

Wish I could have gone with! But I would have been terrified of that tarantula by Brooklyn. She is one brave puppy!

Colleen said...

Wow... that is a gorgeous place! Glad you didn't run into any snakes. Eww.

Mary said...

Rebecca--love that tarantula story! I used to play with my friend's pet tarantula. And Sedona is on my list of must sees.

Mel-while it could be the wide angle lens, I like to think she's enormous.

Shannon-hiking/walking on flat sand. Is it the same?

Leslie--still thinking about Moab as an overnight stop on the way back if I don't go the southern route. The south has Sedona though... decisions.

atvmtngirl said...

Gorgeous pictures! What a scary spider...Brooklyn is my hero I would have been high-tailing it out of there ;)

atvmtngirl said...

Oh and I meant to say, when did you become so outdoorsy? Is it all those camping trips I dragged you on???