Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Violation of Banana Bread

First, I know that with much of the country in a deep freeze right now, it's unlikely that I'm going to get a lot of sympathy here.  But c'mon, this isn't even a valid temperature.

How could we possibly have been so close to 70 degrees last week?  With the temp dipping so low that puppy paws freeze after mere moments outside despite careful application of Musher's Secret, we had to think of some inside activities.  Okay, I had to think of some inside activities...the animal just slept.  And with unlimited time on my hand these days (that's a whole 'nother post) I've been making a list to entertain myself.  Obviously getting to spend some time in the kitchen in on the list.

Banana bread is in a protected class in my book.  While I love trying new recipes or variations of recipes, messing with banana bread just seems wrong.  I have a favorite recipe (don't we all) that includes adding a stick of melted butter right at the end, stirring it in and baking the loaf.  It's so comfort food.  But I've been spending so much time in Nigella's Nigella Kitchen cookbook and loving each recipe so far, I figured she deserved a bit of trust when presenting a new version of banana bread...Coconut and Cherry Banana Bread.  It's pretty much like any other banana bread recipe except that she adds a bit of fancy extras to the end batter.  My curiousity got the better of me here.

The verdict?  So torn here.  It was pretty tasty.  If it was any other bread and didn't have the word "banana" in it, I'd definitely make it again.  But alas, I knew it was banana bread, it had that moist banana bread texture, but it wasn't banana bread. Kind of mean to tempt you with all of the fixings of banana bread then switch the final flavor and texture in the end. I started craving plain 'ole banana bread with just that first bite.  If you don't have the emotional attachment to banana bread that I apparently seem to have, and you like coconut and dried cherries, this is pretty good stuff.

Note: Nigella has this bread baking in a 325 degree oven and every baking recipe I've ever tried at that temp has failed miserably.  I baked this at 350 for the same amount of time and it was perfect.

Nigella's Coconut and Cherry Banana Muffins
adapted from Nigella Kitchen
8 tablespoons butter, melted and slightly cooled
4 very ripe medium-sized bananas, mashed
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup dried tart cherries
1-1/3 cups unsweetened shredded coconut

  • Heat the oven to 325 degrees.  Grease and flour a loaf pan.
  • Stir the butter and sugar together, then add the mashed banana and eggs.
  • When the eggs are well incorporated, fold in the flour, baking powder, and baking soda.
  • Lightly stir in the cherries and coconut.
  • Pour into prepared loaf pan) and bake 50-60 minutes
  • Let cool 10 minutes in pan
  • Remove from pan and let cool completely before slicing.


Lila said...

I wish I could offer sympathy but we are in the same boat--except with tons of snow. Empathy maybe? My cousin in Denver mentioned that you guys didn't get too much snow? Still no one likes to see negative numbers on that weather display.

I'm in agreement about banana bread--it's almost sacred really. But if you are going to add anything, cherries and coconut seem like the perfect addition. Well done Nigella.

Ellie said...

hmmmmm. this is yummy looking but i think you are correct about banana bread being an emotional attachment. the worst for me is biting into some with high expectations and finding not enough banana flavor or worse....nuts. cherries and coconut though sound pretty perfect.

Anonymous said...

I'll offer sympathy on your free time. :(. How ya doing? Lunch tomorrow? Is it weird that i ask you here instead of via text?


Mary said...

:) So glad I'm not the only one with strong banana bread feelings.

Monica said...

Coconut makes everything better I think. In Vegas we got down to an overnight low of 25. Not your -16, but pretty darn cold for us.

Anonymous said...

So would it be rubbing it in if I told you it was 70 here in FL today? :) You bring banana bread andyou have a place to stay with me any day. I feel like I know you just from your blog! :)

Lila said...

I love coconut and cherries. I'm giving this one a try this weekend!