Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daring Bakers October, Pizza

This month's challenge had a sad note to it. One of the Daring Bakers, Sherry, who was also one of the members slated to choose this month's challenge recipe, passed away. In honor of Sherry, Rosa of Rosa's Yummy Yums went with Sherry's original recipe choice for this month's challenge: Pizza Napoletana from Peter Reinhart's The Bread Baker's Apprentice. Rosa threw in a twist though--throughout October, Daring Bakers across the globe would be throwing their dough high in the air as they made their hand tossed pizzas. Not only would we be tossing it, we'd be photographing our efforts as well. Yikes. We were free to choose our toppings, sweet, savory or both, we just needed to make two. I opted for one of each, making a chicken club pizza for the savory, and a gorgonzola, pear and honey pizza for dessert.

My first job in high school was at Shakey's Pizza...ugh the memories. But despite such incredible gourmet experience (LOL), I still couldn't seem to hand toss this dough. Apparently I have square hands because both of my pizzas turned out square.

Chicken Club Pizza is really just CPK's California Club. Easy and I think the homemade version tastes just like the CPK version. The only thing of note is that I don't really like mayo, so my version was pretty light on that--it can easily be increased.

Chicken Club Pizza
1 pizza dough, hand tossed
oil for brushing dough; I used garlic oil
1.5 c mozarella
1 small chicken breast, grilled and diced
4 pieces bacon cooked and crumbled
2 c. shredded lettuce and tossed with 2 tbsp mayo/1 tsp water mixture
1 medium tomato diced
1 avocado sliced
Preheat oven to 500 degrees, with pizza stone in oven.
Place hand tossed dough on semolina topped pizza peel or back of a baking sheet. Brush with garlic oil and top with mozarella.
Slide pizza onto hot pizza stone and bake for 5-8 minutes.

Remove from oven and top pizza with crumbled bacon, the diced chicken, half the tomatoes, the mayo dressed lettuce, the rest of the tomatoes and the avocado slices.

The gorgonzola, pear and honey pizza is a fabulous combination of sweet, salty, cruncy and chewy and is an altered version of a recipe found in Tyler Florence's Eat This Book.

Gorgonzola Pear and Honey Pizza
1 hand tossed pizza crust
1 cup toasted almonds
1/3 c. sugar
1 tbsp water
sprinkle of cinnamon
gorgonzola cheese
1-2 pears
Heat oven to 500 degrees with pizza stone in oven.
Place almonds, sugar, water and cinnamon in small food processor and process to make a paste.
Place hand tossed dough on semolina topped pizza peel or back of a baking sheet.
Top with almond paste, pear slices, drizzle of honey and crumbled blue cheese.
Bake for 7-9 minutes or until cheese melts and crust is golden.


Anonymous said...

I haven't thought about Shakey's in years! Thanks for the memories. Your pizzas look fantastic, the Club looks really nice, and I imagine it tasted wonderful. Nice job.

Anonymous said...

i love the chicken club idea, i love anything avocado. I was drooling over the picture. might have to go to the store and pick some up!

Ethan said...

Wow, both pizzas sound, and look, fabulous. Great pizzas, great post.

Leslie said...

those look great. you inspire me to make pizza

Brown Family Blog said...

Oh I love CPK...I havent been to one since I lived closer to Alpharetta and I never seem to buy one in the store. Yours looks absolutely divine. And I have to say I am pretty impressed that you got pictures of you tossing the dough. How many did you have to try to get a good pic?

Brown Family Blog said...

wish I could have come over to eat it with you.

Anonymous said...

Nice tossing photos! I love the pear Gorgonzola pizza - will make that for my vegetarian parents next time we visit.

Anonymous said...

Gorgonzola, pear and honey??? Sounds divine! Your pizzas look fantastic. I am impressed!

Anonymous said...

I am totally drooling over your pizzas! They all sound so good! And I love the dough tossing photos! I wish I had been able to get better ones of dough actually flying in the air!

Lisa said...

Your pizzas look down-right up-right delish! Great topping ideas. :) And how I got my crust round? Must be the drinks. ;)

Anonymous said...

hey chicadee those look scrumptious!

The Shulls said...

Hey, Thanks for visiting my blog! Your pizzas look so yummy... I just want to grab a slice of that fresh avocado!!!

Ruth said...

I love your pizza toppings. Chicken club wow out of this world! Love the tossing pics

Zoe Francois said...

Your pizzas are gorgeous! I love the contrast of the fresh ingredients on the nice hot crust! wonderful.

Christy said...

I think it's actually harder to toss out square pizzas than round ones. You might be onto something there! Might be all those time at Shakey's Pizza...

I'm all for your gorgonzola pear and honey pizza... I just wish I thought of that!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Great tossing and pretty pizzas! I love your choice of toppings and their shape! Very well done!



pixie said...

oh I did pears and gorgonzola too! lovely wasn't it?

Miss Ifi said...

well your pizzas look delicious!!! mmm avocado on pizza!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your tossing and on a challenge really well done ^_^

Maggie said...

Great tossing! The avocado pizza sounds delicious.

genkitummy said...

I've never had CPK's Chicken Club pizza, but your pizza looks great! It's like a salad on your pizza!

Payal Shah said...

Love the pizza tossing, and the pizza look yummy too.