Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And Finally...

some final parting images of Thailand...whew. I'm not going to lie to you.  I've already started thinking about destinations for next year's vaca.  The world is at our feet yes?

Creatures that are also insects, should never, ever be bigger than your fist.  And when they are almost as big as your foot, by all means run.  Do not stop to photograph them.

Creatures that are edible, should never, ever be this loud.  At 4am or 5 am.  Or even noon.

If you must be a creature at least try to be as cute as can be.

The happiest way to start each and every day is with a latte and this.  Doubt that I love you, but never doubt my love for laundry.  Oh laundry, I heart thee so.  Sadly, I do not jest. 


Anonymous said...

why does it not surprise me that yhou did laundry everyday?

love the baby on the back. adorable!


Colleen said...

So many cool critters. I love the green one. The baby all wrapped up is adorable.

Thanks for all the comments on my blog. It's nice catching up with you this way.

Brown Family Blog said...

awesome! I also look at the lady with the baby and think, how did she do that?!?