Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Weekend

What better way to kick off the summer and celebrate  Memorial Day then wandering through classical architecture.  Is there anything like Italy in June?  Or Paris in the springtime?

 But if memory serves me right. the canals of Venice are not crystal clear.

And then, a large dose of reality.

My previous trips to Vegas were inexplicably always in the middle of summer--no es bueno.  I beat the heat this year by exactly one week--93 degrees is soooo much better than 106 degrees. And despite my complaints to my sister that everything in the town is artificial and fabricated, I actually kind of like it. With the lights, the energy, the shows--there are photo ops around every corner.

Who isn't a sucker for the dancing water shows at the Bellagio?  I hate to play favorites in a city that has so many musicals and shows available, but I don't think there's anything better...


Leslie said...

looks like so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the belaggio and the moving lights in the night shots. But it's Vegas isn't it?? Where are the casinos? Tell me u didn't not gamble at all again...

Colleen said...

Who needs to travel the world when we have Vegas and Epcot right here in America. ;)

I think I gagged as I typed that, but I've actually heard someone say that in reference to Epcot and I always thought it was sadly funny.

Belaggio is the best. I wish I could have spent more time watching that and less time fighting the crowds on the sidewalk.

Brown Family Blog said...

LOL! I love the umbrella shot!

Monica said...

Aha the truth comes out!!! U should come in April or October...75 is so much better than 93. Thanks for was so much fun. And thanks for the too cool bday card...I just keep opening and closing it;)