Monday, July 26, 2010

If You Like to Talk to Tomatoes

Oh how can she possibly be three?!  But three she is and this year, it's all about cucumbers and tomatoes.  Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber to be exact.  Veggie Tales all the time.  You know it's bad when you walk around work singing the Veggie Tales theme song, and your dad walks around singing  "Oh where is my hairbrush?"

I did learn a bit of a lesson last year after the  SpongeBob cupcakes-there was not a chance I was making individual cupcakes this year.  Even if you are my favorite three year old in the entire world.   As it turns out, as long as the characters are recognizable, three year olds could care less about whether they are cupcakes or big cakes.

The marshmallow fondant recipe was the same as last year's(recipe in the above link)--just toxic green and red this time around. 

This year I made my brother help.  What's the point in having so much artistic talent in the family if you can't put them to work right?  I think she liked watching daddy decorate her birthday cake--and she definitely liked the final product...

Happy, happy birthday Peanut!!! 


Grammie/Mom said...

Bob and Larry never looked so good! Peanut is growing up!

Leslie said...

three goes by so fast!!! she is adorable in her party dress....and bob and larry are very amazing. good that you got your brother in on it.

Anonymous said...

My daughter loves veggie tales and this is so cute! thank you for sharing the recipe on your blog. I will have to give this one a try.

Cheryl J

Anonymous said...

cute and cutie!!! tell me again why I didn't get cupcakes on my birthday? 33 has 2 threes in it!

Colleen said...

She sure is growing up! The cakes are wonderful. (Cupcakes are a pain even if you aren't doing fancy fondant.) I love the last picture of her catching the dandelion fluff.

Brown Family Blog said...

oh my goodness, I dont know if I should show E this. He is on a major Veggie Tales kick right now and will want me to make him this. We have been singing a lot of, "I dont have a beeeellllly button!" How wonderful!

Monica said...

I can't wait for you to make Bella's first birthday cake! I wonder what she will be into....
Nice job on the cakes. And the pictures of course!