Sunday, September 1, 2013

Berry Patch Farms

As much as I love a good vacation, weekend getaway or road trip, there's also something just so happy about sticking around close to home for a three day weekend.  I have a bit of work to do this weekend so couldn't head far, but truth be told, I love the opportunity to just stay around town and relax.  

While migrant workers and farmers probably don't think of picking farm produce as relaxing, this girl loved a morning spent outside in the early sun with the berries, some baskets and just the grasshoppers and chirping crickets.  My friend Mel is in town for a bit so we headed up to Berry Patch Farms in Brighton to pick some berries.  

What really hit me this time about picking food, is how much work and effort goes into farming.  As I watched the gentlemen pulling weeds and caring for the plants even as we picked, I was struck by the fact that they've been doing this all summer across the farm and the result were berries that we could consume at home within minutes.  It definitely gives you a greater appreciation of the food at the farmer's market and the need to support farmers.  

I had a goal on my 101 to bake a pie with freshly picked berries and the first thought I had after all of my effort was that there was a slim chance that I was putting all of those fresh sweet berries into a pie where their awesomeness would be overshadowed by sugar and crust.  I'll have to rethink that goal now. 

Behold, the berry. 

Strawberries were a bonus...we really headed up for the raspberries which are just coming into season this week. It was a bummer that many were still yellow--next week would have been the better weekend.  

Berry Patch Farms is definitely full of that small farm charm.  We arrived right as they opened at 8:00 and I'd definitely recommend you do the same if you are planning to go.  It was hot by the time we left and the parking was outrageous at that point.  They also pick out of some items in the morning so early is better.  Definitely a fun activity and it's almost guaranteed to make you appreciate the food growing lifecyle.  I know I won't bat an eye at the produce prices at the farmers market again. 


Melody said...

I had a lot of fun going! Thanks for the invitation!

Lila said...

Your pictures are so pretty. My kids could pick berries all day long and sometimes they even put them in the basket!

Lila said...

We go to the apple orchard every year and my family just loves picking fruit. I think deep down they'd love to be farmers. I know what you mean though about not wanting to put them in a pie. The kids just snack on them for days.

Lila said...

We really love Berry Patch Farms. They are always super friendly, and the produce is just fantastic! We try and take the kids at least once a month and it's a highlight family event every time! These photos are so lovely!

Lila said...

My grandnana had a farm and so farms are always nostalgic to me. I try getting my kids on a farm at least once a year but it's not the same if you can't spend a whole week there every summer. Love the berry picking!

sophia said...

We go apple picking every year but haven't tried berry picking. I don't think my kids would be patient enough to fill even a small bucket with berries but it sure is tempting!