Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Denver Broncos Chili

Truth time.  There's nothing that makes this specifically Denver Broncos Chili except perhaps that it's orange.  Denver Broncos Chili just sounds more kick-ass than "orange colored chili."  Right?  

Monday night games pose a little bit of a food dilemma--when you leave the office and slide in your front door  just a little bit before kickoff, there's no time to pull a lot of food together.  That's where packaged snackies, a previously laid out orange and blue table and deli meat and rolls come in.  A little something cooking all day in the crockpot contributes to the idea that maybe you put a little effort into it.   Chili tastes better when it's cooked in a kick-ass crockpot.  Seriously--way better. 

A crockpot for game days only?  Yes, I justified it by saying I own many other seasonal items that get used far fewer than 15-20 times a year and this just seems like game day essentials.  You can find all teams online here and limited teams online here for a little bit cheaper. 

Isn't this the happiest fall color scheme?  

And the chili?  It's really somewhere in between a green chili and a tomato-based chili.  Pureeing the base after it cooks results in a happy accident orange colored chili that's perfect for game day--the flavor though, is all green chili.  

Denver Broncos Chili

2 lbs chicken breasts
1 onion, diced
32 oz box of low sodium chicken broth
2 cups of roughly diced peeled and cleaned roasted green chiles (I used half mild, half hot)
28 oz can diced tomatoes
4 garlic cloves, chopped
1 1/2 tsp cumin
3 whole (smaller) potatoes (this makes it easier to find them and remove them before you puree the broth)
1 15 oz can white northern beans

  1. Add all ingredients except beans to a crockpot.  Turn crockpot to low and allow to cook for 7-8 hours. 
  2. Remove chicken and potatoes.  Turn crockpot to high.  Use a stick blender to roughly puree broth/chile/tomato base. 
  3. Dice potatoes and shred chicken and return to crockpot
  4. Drain and rinse beans and add to crockpot.  
  5. Allow chili come back to temp before serving--about 1/2 an hour


Lila said...

Gooo Broncos. They are awesome this year! And this crockpot is to die for! I just ordered one immediately because I've never seen or even heard of these and how perfect is it for tailgating? So excited! Thanks for sharing!

Lila said...

This looks really really yummy and easy to throw together! And I think this is the best crockpot I've ever seen!!

Lila said...

I love these crock pots!!! Thanks so much for sharing the link. Mine will have to be purple for my husband's Ravens if I don't want a divorce but he will be so excited for this. Football sunday game food is huge in our house and this stew (in a Ravens crock pot) will be awesome. Thanks!

Lila said...

Well why didn't they think of this idea sooner? I to have never seen a football crockpot but when I click on the link you provided, I saw that they offer some college ones too! Woohoo! I'm definitely picking up one of these for Gators tailgating!

Lila said...

Oh yeah, go Broncos! I am so in love with both this recipe which my husband wants me to make this very minute, and with this crockpot which we are going to purchase. Actually I'll be buying the Broncos one and getting him a Chiefs one. This will be such a fun thing to use during our yearly broncos chiefs parties! A little healthy football rivalry never hurt a marriage. ;)

Lila said...

This looks so amazing and I just saw the comment above that they have collegiate ones too! I am going to be looking into a A&M one for sure! Love the tables cape!

Lila said...

That's so awesome! I love the crockpot and we love green chilie. It's even better that chili turns orange! :)

Monica said...

What no Broncos cake pops?