Friday, October 4, 2013

Abandoned Mines

Cool things to do in Colorado: visit abandoned mines.  Mining and the Gold Rush are a huge part of Colorado's history and it's pretty obvious any time you drive through the mountains.  Any substantial drive almost guarantees a roadside view of an abandoned mine shaft, watermill or mining ghost town.  

I do l prefer photographing the old, ancient and decrepit over the new, sparkling and shining so when given the opportunity to visit a private abandoned mine, I signed up immediately.  You don't often have the opportunity to get up close and personal.  

Obviously these photos were taken a bit earlier in the year--we finally have our golden aspens that that I'd sought out two weekends ago in Vail.  I can sometimes post older pictures as I find them because I'm random like that.  And because sometimes I read fellow Colorado bloggers and am inspired by where they've visited and cool places they've found and think how nice it is that they've shared. 

Victor is one of those great finds.  While this old mine is on private property and only open for tours on occasion, there is a mining museum in Victor that has some great photography opportunities.  I saw some that some of my trip mates took and thought "Oh man--why didn't I see that?" I think Victor has some other mining tours available as well but they may be more modern mines.  Regardless, it's a quant little town with a corner soda fountain shop and a beautiful drive from Colorado Springs.  Definitely worth the trip if only for the breathtaking Rocky Mtn scenery. 


Lila said...

we tried to go up towards Victor this summer but the traffic on 24 was the craziest thing I've ever seen. It was right after the flash floods and mudslides and you could see feet of mud on the other side of the road. I'm still amazed.

Lila said...

So gorgeous and what a difference from today's little mini snowstorm!

Lila said...

Mary these are absolutely gorgeous. What a lovely little mine area too! Love the pics!

Lila said...

My husband love geology, rocks and all that stuff so we've visited our share of mines while traveling. The coloroad mountain backdrop though. Beeeyooootiiiiiful! I love the old cards to!

Lila said...

Very, very pretty!

sophia said...

The skies are so blue and just gorgeous! I love old cars and taking pix of old things too. I realy like your pictures!

Monica said...

Beautiful pics! Kind of Nelson-esque. Me and the boys want to go there.