The pectin calls for a neutral juice--like apple or white grape. I grabbed a bottle of straight black cherry juice and all the fabulous juicy flavors allowed me to get away with just 1/4 cup of sugar. This pectin rocks the most-and I've never had it fail to set. Thank you Ball.

Cherry Jam
3 lbs pitted cherries
1 cup unsweetened white grape, apple or cherry juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 box No Sugar Needed Fruit Pectin
sugar to taste
1. Chop 3/4 of the cherries in quarters
2. Prepare empty jars and lids by simmering in water
3. Combine cherries and juice in a 6-8 quart pan. Gradually stir in pectin. Add 1 tsp butter to prevent foaming (if desired).
4. Bring mixture to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 5 minutes.
5. Add sugar ( I used 1/4 cup of turbinado sugar) and return to full boil. Cook 3 additional minutes.
6. Fill sterilized hot jars leaving 1/4 inch head room. Wipe rim clean if necessary and top with sterilized hot lid. Top with band and screw fingertip tight.
7. Place filled jars in canner and ensure water covers top of jars by 1-2 inches.
8. Process for 20 minutes (10 mins at sea level)
9. Turn off heat and let sit 5 minutes. Remove jars and allow to cool. Retighten bands if necessary.
10. Test seal by pushing on lid after jam is completely cool. If it does not flex up and down, it is sealed. If a lid is not sealed within 24 hours, refrigerate immediately or reprocess with new lid.
Jam....I wish. I'm afraid the best I can do this weekend will be cookies. Where did you get the cherries from? Cherries with actual flavor have started to show up at our new ginormous King Soopers (which has an olive bar and a sushi bar, too), but I haven't been down to the Sprouts to inventory their stock in a few weeks.
I think I'll remember this recipe when I get motivated to make different kinds this year(this just may be wishful thinking though). Leslie and I made strawberry jam 2 years ago and it was very good!
I think we could be good friends then! And you and Mark are kindred spirits.
Mmmm...I think the next round of strawberries will be jammed. E is eating this first round. I like the idea of the no sugar needed pectin.
OH MY GODDESS! Yet again we have something in common.
Last year we took a trip "Up North" which is a Minnesotan saying. We were north of Lake Superior and we bought a peach and cherry pie. It was to die for. And guess what I just planted in my yard? A cherry tree so that I can have my own cherries, to make a pie, or make jam or whatever.
Now, I just need to get a peach tree...
Anyway, your jam looks divine. Simply divine.
I've only heard rumors of this strange phenomenon where fruit grows in your yard...that's a lot of jam making. Lucky you!
This looks lovely! I love cherries. Mmmmm
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