Monday, April 5, 2010


How's that for intriguing and well thought out title?  But sometimes, it just is what it is.  And why try to be cute and clever, when there is other cuteness to gaze upon? 

Peanut says "Peace out peeps" 
Hope your Easters were fabulous.


Leslie said...

she looks like she is getting so big!! and is as precious as ever!

Brown Family Blog said...

Your family had got to love all these pics!

Colleen said...

Oh, my goodness! Each picture is cuter than the last... she's adorable. I love the shot that's all blue sky and her very thoughtful face, and the last shot reminds me of you a bit!

Anonymous said...

How cute. I love the pictures.

Sorry I missed your birthday. hope it was grand. And have fun on your trip!!!!!


Monica said...

She looks adorable as always...but why is the easter bunny always so scary looking? I'm going to create a cute bunny costume and become rich. Thanks for sharing Mare!