Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's a Christmas Cashmere-acle: Recycled Sweater Blanket

Alternate post title "Enabling Rottenness in Pets."

Miracles abound during the Christmas season... I finished a sewing project!!  This particular project has been "accumulating" since last year.  See, I noticed last winter that instead of sleeping in one of her 5 beds, Minxaroo was nesting in my sweaters in the closet.  She was especially fond of cashmere--can you blame her?  So as sweaters became misshapen or ruined, I started saving a few here and there.  I had seen some recycled sweater blankets on Etsy for......$200. Now, I'm not saying that it's not a lot of work or the price isn't justified, I just knew I would enjoy it so much more if I made it myself...and it was free.  When I noticed that Brooklyn would go into the hamper and pull sweaters, I knew it was time to get to work.

Process?  None that is repeatable or documentable.  I started with a few squares and rectangles  and then cut each piece to fit.  I worked by sewing entire rows together first and then to the blanket, but the secret to the "contrived randomness" is to switch edges periodically so that blocks don't always line up perfectly in rows. I also threw in a few patches for a little more rustic appeal. 

I was actually quite pleased with the result which is saying something since craft satisfaction tends to be about 50/50 round these parts. The best part is not having invested tons of money, because said blanket has already become the favorite pet nesting spot.  They never let me use it.


Anonymous said...

Love the color combinations. Very Christmassy! And spoiling pets is essential. :)

Anonymous said...

You know, I would just take it right away from them. it's too pretty to be a pet blanket. :)
YOu are bigger and tougher. Than Brooklyn at least. I think Minxie might be tougher than you.

See you tomorrow.


sophia said...

I have been way curious about the recycled sweater projects I've seen and this may push me into trying it. I love it!!!! Was it hard to sew the stretchy fabric? And these aren't felted are they? (I think most projects I've seen use felted sweaters)

Leslie said...

it looks great...those two are going to love it and hopefully leave your sweaters alone now

Bronwyn said...

Funny, i've been thinking about making one of these for a long time but it seems like a lot of work. I'm guessing the satisfaction of saving sweaters from the landfill or from a smelly destiny in a thrift shop makes up for the work? It's so christmas like. Fantabulous!

Melody said...

so what did you end up deciding to do for the backside?

Mary said...

Thanks much.

Sophia--these are not felted though those are fun too. I wasn't sure how well cashmere felted and I wanted the blankie to still be soft.

Mel--I bought one of those fuffy blankets and sewed them right sides together and then flipped it right side out. Should have mentioned that in the post eh?

Sara said...

Thanks for stopping by the Saucy Dipper! Glad you came, cuz this blanket is adorable. Now I've got a reason to keep my old sweaters.

Monica said...

Such a lucky puppy. Love the blanket.

Lynn said...

I think you are amazing. How do you get time to make and bake and take pictures and and and...?

That is a beautiful afghan. Very clever.