Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Cotswolds

It's been crazy, crazy, crazy here.  In the past two weeks, I've had a whirlwind trip in the Cotswolds, one solo night in Conwy, Wales, some craziness in Chester including both a flasher and stumbling upon a roped off forensics team investigating a murder, and a beautiful week in the Scottish Highlands.   Not the Scottish Highlands of past trips, but the raw, empty of people, windswept Highlands.  Awesome times. 

The Cotswolds...this place is magical with the Cotswold stone houses and uber green gardens.  It's the kind of place you walk through and wonder who these people are who just get to live here. The Cotswolds unfortunately, is the type of place where you really need a car to drive from town, to village, to town.  The towns are numerous, but the public transportation between them is pretty scarce.  I did make it to four villages this time. 

Castle Combe.  This village is all of 100 yards long at the most. I met the lady that lives in this first house on the right and was able to see her beautiful garden.  She has a 9-11 commemorative display in her amazing garden.  Since the word "amazing" is overly used today, I like to save it for a special when a woman has a little stone mansion with perfectly manicured gardens the size of a small park.  

I bought a lovely loaf of lemon bread here at this little cottage because it was honor system--I love supporting honor system endeavors.  And yes, I support cute too. 

Dear Santa,

Bibury and Arlington Row were a teeny bit disappointing.  This place is so fricken fantastic in photos and so full of busloads of people in reality.  

I grabbed a quick snapshot between busloads walking up the hill but but I can't even believe this is the Bibury I've seen endless photos of.  

Stowe on the Wold is more of a shopping village.  I like shopping just as much as any other person, but for some reason, not so much while traveling.  Luckily the shops in this town though are adorbs enough to just photograph.  Really. 

And finally Burton on the Water.  This little town is based around a river and covered in bridges to cross over the river.  And of course, it's built with the Cotswold stone that keeps all Cotswold villages looking similarly charming. 

Yes, I know it's almost wrong to fit 4 Cotswold villages in one post.  I call this, end of trip, ready to head home lazy.  :(


sophia said...

The Cotswolds is my dream vacation spot. I would antique shop and drink tea and eat scones all day long! These are so pretty.

Lila said...
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Lila said...

Oh I want to jump right into these pictures and visit the Cotswolds! We went very briefly on one trip to Bristol and it was beautiful. We'd love to go for longer.

Lila said...

I wish this had a Like button or even a Love button. I am always trying to talk the hubs into an England countryside vacation but we always end up going to Mexico or the carribean. He can't be talked into a cool weather trip but I'll keep on trying!

D. R. said...

I am fascinated with the pink/purple leaves wrapping the window in your third photo.

Also, I have been looking for a bike like the one in front of the "Bakery on the Water". A Fantastic basket.

Lila said...

I just love all of the flowers and gardens and cottages covered in flowers. This is exactly what I picture all of england to look like. I love the little town on the water too!

Lila said...

If Santa brings you a house in the Cotswolds, I'm moving in with you! I can't believe people live here either, what a gorgeous, gorgeous countryside!

Lila said...

absolutely beautiful fotos!