Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jam Time

"Remember when you were a kid and your mom used to drop you off at the movies with a jar of jam and a spoon?"  Some tv shows and quotes never get old no matter how much you watch them or quote them.  I'm not even sure why this quote from one of the earlier seasons of friends stuck, but it did.  We had a Friends question during our PMO team building trivia game and I was shocked that I was the only one who knew the answer.  We have a whole new generation of peeps in the workforce who are too young to have watched Friends the first time through.  That saddens me. 

So the post wasn't really supposed to me about Friends but about jam.  Fresh fruit, channeling your inner Laura Ingalls, stock up some sunshine for the winter jam.  I know many have a fear of canning but really it's just about being precise.  If you follow the directions of the recipe and the canning process it's really quite simple and it's a perfect way to take advantage of fresh, available summer fruits.  It's so each that I made a strawberry jam and a peach vanilla butter on the morning.

The ingredient list is pretty simple, 3-4 lbs of fresh fruit, pectin, lemon juice(for some jams) white grape or apple juice and sugar.  I like to make the low sugar jams...regular jam can have as much as 7 cups of sugar to 5 cups of fruit...crazy.  With this low sugar pectin, you can make the jam with just 1/2-1 cup of sugar in the entire batch.  The lesser about of sugar means the jam won't be as vibrantly colorful as the sugared kind but that's a small price to pay for a fresher fruit tasting jam.

I used to buy the pectin in boxes but couldn't find it in any store this year...only this new larger jar size. The recipes are included with the pectin.

Part of following the process is ensuring everything is sterilized.  I've heard many say that the dishwasher sterilizes the jars just the same, but I always process the jars in the water bath first per the directions (actually, everything goes into the boiling water bath for a bit...lids, ladle, tongs and funnel).

You can buy an inexpensive canning kit that includes jar tongs and this handy dandy magnet tool to retrieve the lids from the water bath.  It's genius really.

The strawberry jam is straightforward and straight from the pectin box.  For the peach butter...

Peach Vanilla Butter

4 lbs peaches peeled and diced
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup white grape juice
1 box pectin
3/4 cup sugar (adjust amount to your preference)
1 tsp vanilla

  1. Combine peaches, lemon juice and white grape juice in large stockpot.  Stir in pectin and mix thoroughly
  2. Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes or until peaches are soft. 
  3. Add sugar and cook 5 mins more and add vanilla
  4. Puree with stick blender
  5. Ladle into sterilized 1/2 pint jars and top with sterilized lids
  6. Process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes
  7. Remove from water bath and allow to cool fully.   Test each lid for a seal by pressing down in the center of the lid.  The lid should not pop up and down.  If you hear a pop, place the jam into the refrigerator and use first.  Allow the rest of the jars to rest undisturbed overnight.


Lila said...

Friends was the official show of my 20s. I think that's why so many of us can relate, we went through the 20s and being independent along with them. I love the jam episode and i love your jam photos. yum!

Ellie said...

Strawberry jam is my favorite and I always buy the sugar free kind. Yummy. Maybe I'll try my hand at jam just to have so much of it stored away!

Love Friends still. My husband and I watch the 10pm nightly episodes even though we've seen them all a zillion times and have them on DVD.

sophia said...

I would love to try making jam this year but it looks like you have to buy a lot of stuff, like that really enormous pan with the rack that you are using. Might be worth it thhough for some fresh peach butter any time of the year. That looks so yummy!

Bonjour! said...

,,,love the second to the final photo, i think this little *get-up* would make a lovely housewarming gift for a new neighbor, tie a ribbon and viola!,,,i just may attempt making strawberry jam, it's my all time fav, your recipe and your success have inspired me,,,though i must say i buy my jams from dean and deluca and they are delicious, like homemade, okay second best!,,, (smile)

Bronwyn said...

I used to make jam with my family all the time growing up but haven't tried it as an adult. I do love the idea of all of those lovely jars everywhere and San Fran has great farmers markets everywhere. I think I'll try some jam next weekend!

Lila said...

Oh funny I made jelly this weekend too. I made it with juice only though because my little ones don't like fruit pieces but I sure would like some jam in this house!

Lila said...

L O V E homemade jam especially peach. the vanilla sounds like delicious addition!

Mary said...

thanks all!

@ Sophia--I've used a regular tall pasta pot with a stainless steel rack in the bottom. You just want to ensure water can flow all around the jars and they are not sitting on direct heat. I like the big pot because I can can more at one time but it's definitely not necessary.

@ Rebecca--too funny. That's exactly what I did with the jam caddy--gave it to my sister for a housewarming gift. Great minds...

Bonjour! said...

,,,*thinking alike*,,,lucky sister!(smile)

Melody said...

love Joey - mmm, jam...

they both look so good! That caddy is really cute - wish I lived closer so I could invite myself over for breakfast and have some jam! :)

Monica said...

I thought it was the perfect housewarming gift too! Thanks Mare - and my friends send their thanks as well!