Monday, June 10, 2013

Pie Iron Jalapeno Poppers

A little late on the Memorial Day camping posts but hopefully as many of you know, pulling the photos off the camera onto the computer is a whole ritual in and of itself.  

Pie irons are just about the most fun thing ever.  I say that about all cooking tools I know, but the possibilities of pie irons are endless.  Of course you can do basic pizza ingredients or PBJ or PB and Fluff, but coming up with different ideas for filling the pie iron is just plain fun.

This time around I gave a twist on the jalapeno popper a shot.  Yes, it's really a grilled cheese with jalapeños in it but coming out of a campfire after a long day in the sun....well it's just magical food then.

In our house there was always a debate between the cheddar vs the cream cheese filled jalapeño poppers.  Truthfully as I write that, I don't know which side of the fence I was on but I recall being adamant.  Yes, so adamant that I have no idea which ones I like better.   This pie iron creation doesn't make you choose. 

A little cream cheese spread on bread, some slices of white cheddar and some jalapeño and all is well.  I'd roasted and peeled the jalapeños at home. You can do this over the campfire as well, but as anyone who's ever touched their eye after peeling peppers knows, you should wash those hands really, really well. And then wash them two more times.  Doing this at home ensured that I could wash and wash and wash my hands until my heart's content.  

You can butter the outside of the bread for extra golden deliciousness.  I opted for no butter but I don't necessarily stand by that decision.  Butter is obviously better.

And of course, along with the cream cheese vs cheddar debate at our house was another one around whether poppers should be dipped in jam.  I definitely know that I stand on the jam side of the fence.   A bit of fruity sweetness is a perfect balance to the extra spiciness of this sandwich.  Easy peasy camping eats that takes under 2 minutes to prepare.  

No worries.  Puppies don't really get jalapeños.  


Lila said...

We just bought some pie irons becuase we loved your spaghetti bread post! We use these over our fire pit and the kids just love them. The spaghetti bread was a huge hit and the used cherry pie filliing and bread for dessert. Yum!

Lila said...

Brooklyn is just so cute! How could you possibly refuse her anything?

This looks so delicious. We like raspberry jam with our cream cheese poppers. :)

Monica said...

Cream cheese and jam. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Lila said...

My husband dipped his poppers in jelly and I thought it was just about the strangest thing ever until I tried it. Now I"m a convert. Yummy sandwich idea!

Lila said...

We have been talking about buying pie irons for camping too but hubs says the last thing we really need is to schlep more stuff to the campground. This recipe will convince him, he's a popper addict. we're def going 2 try this!

Lila said...

This looks really really delicious. My boyfriend loves jalapeno poppers so I can't wait to surprise him with this when we go camping next. I'll bring jam as well! :)

Bronwyn said...

When my husband saw this recipe he asked me to make it. Yes, he trolls blogs for recipes and then lets me know the week's menu if designed by him. :) We made these in the panini press and they were delish! We did not use jam though we thought it was an intriguing idea.

Ellie said...

This looks great . My husband made the popper dip that's all over pinerest and we loved it. This is a perfect way to take that camping with us!