Thursday, July 25, 2013

Who Me?

What kind of dog does not rip apart toys, furniture, house?  Finally... our very first casualty in her 3 years of life.  Hooray, she's normal!


Lila said...

Brooklyn is just adorable. She definitely has that "who me?" look going on!

Lila said...

I had to respond and say how lucky you are if this is the first time your BT has torn apart a toy. My BT goes through two or three a week so I've just taken to buying them at the goodwill and giving them a good wash before I give them to Rex. He's happy as a clam when he gets a new one.

Lila said...

She is really cute! My friends have a Boston and my kids are always begging for one. If we get a dog, it will be a boston. They are such happy little clowns all the time it seems.

Lila said...

What a cutie! I love Bostons!

sophia said...

My dog has never torn anything apart at all. I was so worried about it when we brought her home with all the stories out there about how destructive puppies are. She was an angel when it came to not chewing things. Granted she took about 8 months to fully potty train but that's another story.

Monica said...

That poor Grinch never stood a chance against your ferocious puppy.

Bonjour! said...

,,,tummy ache?,,,

atvmtngirl said...

LOL! Can't believe that is the first one she's 'killed' in her 3 years!