Saturday, August 31, 2013

Banana Bread French Toast

A holiday weekend deserves french toast don't you think?  After having turned all of the no knead bread from a former post into french toast, I had to look elsewhere in the kitchen for inspiration. 

This is what I found. 

If you are a family, you may not have any leftover banana bread sitting around.  If you are single like me, maybe you will.   I bake a loaf of anything and I have to take it to the office or else it sits and sits and sits.  I have two half loaves of moldy pumpkin bread I just found in the fridge.  

So yes, one loaf of banana bread, fresh and delicious on day one, quickly became 3 day old forgotten banana bread.  

I do like to turn day/s old goodies into french toast.  As I said in my glazed donut french toast're just adding eggs and milk so really making it healthy right?  He-he.

Can you really write a recipe for french toast?  I use 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, 1 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp vanilla  whisked together.  Sometimes if I want to mix it up, I use almond extract instead.  Dip the sliced bread, and add to med-high griddle.  Cook until golden and flip--about 3-4 minutes per side.  Top with maple syrup.  Of course.

Happy and safe Labor Day weekend wishes!


Ellie said...

Looks so delicious! We never have banana bread leftover because my kids can eat it in one sitting but for this, I'll make an extra loaf. Yumm!

Lila said...

Wow this looks really, really phenomenal. When you said you had pumpkin bread I kept thinking that that would make great french toast too! I'm so excited for fall to come!

Lila said...

Your recipes and ideas always make me so hungry! This looks really, really good as usual. I make banana bread all of the time becuase I can't eat the bananas fast enough. What a great way to use up older banana bread!

Lila said...

I want this in my life soooo bad! Such a twist on a classic!

Lila said...

Yummy! I have banana bread left over but only because whenever I make it, I double the recipe which makes 4 full loaves! Can't wait to whip up some french toast!

Lila said...

This looks so delicious and easy and if you sprinkle with powdered sugar isn't quite as bad. ;) At least my kids would be eathing eggs.