Monday, July 6, 2009

Mt. Antero

My favorite part of camping is by far the ATVs; it's the wind on the face thing again along with the thrill of the bumps and the curves. And making it to the top of a fourteener is a prestigious and monumental event. The air is thin, the trail is long and it's pretty frickin cold. Well, monumental for those bad ass hikers that is. Those of us on ATVs can make it to the top in just an hour or two, depending upon our starting point.

I'll share a little secret here...the view is none the less breathtaking if you make the ascent on ATV rather than by foot. I've only made a couple attempts at hiking a fourteener and as it turns out, I'm not really a walking uphill kind of girl. I think I have a genetic predisposition requiring oxygen in my lungs. So while I may not get the bragging rights of having hiked up Mt. Antero, I did get to enjoy the spectacular view. I'll take it.


Liz said...

Great photos, again. I am really bummed we didn't get to go. Thanks for sharing and making me feel like I was there for a bit.

Leslie said...

it is gorgeous up there...i remember climbing in the rockies with you that summer when i visited Denver and i could not breathe....and i am sure that was nowhere near as high as you were on this trip

Monica said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Ashley said...

Great pics Mary, so excited that you were on the trip with us to be the resident photographer! I really like the one of you and I with Antero in the background.

Lynn said...

I love the photos. And of course, as a mother to three labradors, I love the dogs the most!