Sunday, July 5, 2009

Running the River

There are a lot worse ways to spend the 4th of July than running down the Arkansas River. We spent the weekend camping down near Buena Vista, so spending an afternoon whitewater rafting some of the best rapids in Colorado was a no brainer. The water was "refreshing" as only melted snow runoff can be, but the sky stayed blue and sans clouds for most of the adventure. It got cloudy and chilly right around the time our rafting company pulled over to allow us to leap off a rock into the 40 degree water.

If you've never been whitewater rafting, you have to try at least once. It's just that fun. And rumor has it that you can raft in other parts of the country where the water is actually warm enough to swim in. Crazy.


Leslie said...

looks like a great weekend, but that water sounds super chilly

Brown Family Blog said...

LOL...I live in the part of the country where it is actually warm enough to swim in. I actually almost died white water rafting once. Not kidding. It was what I consider my one near death experience. :O) I would go again though.

Liz said...

That looks like so much fun. I am sorry we missed it.