Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

On occasion, 4 little bizarre words leave my mouth as if uttered by some stranger... "I'll make the cake." And when I do utter those words, I usually spend the next week fretting about when I will find time to bake and decorate a cake. It's just not my thing.

When mom said she was having a BBQ this weekend for a little Peanut's birthday, those 4 words left my mouth once again. For a brief moment though, I envisioned creating some girly, swirly, princessy masterpiece. That is until I asked what Peanut is into these days. Audible groan here...oh no--not SpongeBob. Seriously, anything but that. But if you are turning two Peanut years old and you love the world's most annoying sponge, well your adoring aunt is going to get you a SpongeBob birthday cake. I placed a cake order from a bakery.

Then I realized I was a wimp, and surely I could find some time to bake a SpongeBob birthday something for Peanut. I canceled the cake order and developed a plan.

Anyone who's ever had fondant, knows it does not taste good. But SpongeBob had to be created out of fondant in this kitchen, because I cannot frost to save my life. It was going to be marshmallow fondant though--not nearly as bad as regular fondant. Just tastes like extra sugary hard marshmallow actually.

The recipe calls for hand kneading the fondant...yeah right. Imagine trying to knead powdered sugar into the equivalent of marshmallow fluff. I threw it in KitchenAid and it was indeed super gooey until enough of the sugar was incorporated.

The best part was that the fondant could be made days ahead and refrigerated. I left it out on the counter last night to soften up. Crack of dawn, a latte, funfetti cupcakes and some fondant...woohoo?

The cupcakes need a slight layer of frosting for the fondant to adhere to. This will also allow all parties to remove the fondant layer and eat a frosted cupcake.

There was a brief moment when I was convinced that these would never end up resembling SpongeBob...I don't even know what they look like at this stage. But one must press on.

I think these cupcakes may actually live in a pineapple under the sea.

Marshmallow Fondant

8 ounces miniature marshmallows (4 cups not packed, or half of a 16-ounce bag)
1 pound powdered sugar (4 cups), plus extra for dusting
2 tbsp water
Food coloring/flavoring optional

1. Dust your counter or a large cutting board with powdered sugar. Place the marshmallows and the water in a large microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for 1 minute, until the marshmallows are puffy and expanded.
2. Stir the marshmallows with a rubber spatula until they are melted and smooth. If some unmelted marshmallow pieces remain, return to the microwave for 30-45 seconds, until the marshmallow mixture is entirely smooth and free of lumps. Place in KitchenAid with dough hook. If you want colored or flavored fondant, you can add food coloring or extracts at this point and stir until incorporated.
3. Add 1 cup of the powdered sugar and turn mixer on medium low.
4. Continue to add sugar a little at a time until a ball of fondant forms and pulls away.
5. Grease hands with Crisco and continue kneading for additional few minutes, adding sugar if the mixture becomes too sticky.
6. Can be wrapped in plastic wrap at this point and refrigerated, or used immediately.


Leslie said...

oh Mary, you are the coolest auntie in the world. Your spongebob skills are astounding. go you

Elizabeth said...

These are the coolest cupcakes ever!!!

Shannon Hardin said...

Those cupcakes truly capture the goofiness that is Spongebob. If only you had told me, though...I would have been glad to lend you my Spongebob cake pan, complete with color-coded Wilson decorating instructions.

For the future, be sure to let me know if Peanut ever requests the following birthday themes:

Beach Balls
Winnie the Pooh

And probably a few more that I have repressed in order to save my sanity.

Melody said...

very cute Mary - I think you have to add baking / decorating to your skills list for sure!

Brown Family Blog said...

WOW! I am pretty impressed, Mary!

Lynn said...

Geez, you put all of us to shame. I just cannot believe how talented you are. Seriously. These are so cool, there really are no words. I want them. I would love to make these for my granddaughter, who loves SpongeBob. Although, I love SpongeBob, too!

Mary said...

You are all very kind, but it's all about internet research and using the info that's out there. I hardly have a creative bone in my body.

Monica said...

I know everyone else has already said so, but you are just way too cool of an truly put my aunt abilities to shame. Oh well...I can look forward to the day when my own little girl comes along and gets adorable cupcakes from Aunt Mary!

Lynn said...

MaryMary, I hate to say this but you are a liar. Yes, you read right. LIAR!!!! You are about the most creative person in the blogosphere. It takes a great deal of talent to cook and bake and knit and all the things you do. If I had an ounce of your talent I would be a happy camper, indeed!

Ashley said...

I am also put to shame, I have 2 nieces and never once have I made them a cake or anything as cool as this. Peanut is one very lucky little girl to have such a talented aunt.

Amanda said...

I just had to comment to let you know that I had a go at these for my partner's birthday last week and we both loved them: thanks so much for the inspiration and recipe!!