Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's the Hap Happiest Season of All...

Someone at work asked if I'd put up my Christmas tree yet.  Please.  I start anticipating the approach of Christmas right after Halloween is over.  It's a mental countdown of when I can get away with putting up a Christmas tree and spreading holiday lights around the house.  I'll admit that there's a slight suspension of control when it comes to Christmas decorations. The Christmas carols may even have come out weeks ago.  And in true Christmas tradition, most shopping was completed prior to Thanksgiving.  December is all about the lights, carols, baking Christmas cookies for the office, and of course, the Christmas Story.  Not the one where you shoot your eye out--the one that began in a manger.

What other time of the year can you get away with the excessive sparkle except at Christmas?  And remember when you were little and Christmas took FOREVER to come?  Now I wish it would never get here...I'm already sad when I think that it needs to come down in a few weeks....

Even the four legged inhabitants of this home are enchanted by Christmas. 


Colleen said...

Christmas is coming too fast for me too! I want more time between now and then to shop and bake and decorate!

Leslie said...

so pretty!!!. i love the picture of minxie in front of the tree

karen said...

Pretty tree with the little crystal ornaments. They really do add the sparkle... My cat used to chew on the lighting cords. We couldn't figure out why the lights would go out...until we came across the teeth marks. Yikes!

Brown Family Blog said...

Your tree is soooo pretty.

Monica said...

I will livve vicariously through your tree pics as I am not putting one up this year. Sad I know...but yours is so pretyy!

Lynn said...

Of course you would have a tree better than even Martha Stewart's staff could do!!!! You need to get your own television show, because you have more talent than most. Seriously.