Thursday, January 28, 2010

Belated Thank You

I suck.  Most of the time I just go with it, but sometimes, when it's me being ungrateful, I want to slap my own hand and stand myself in the corner. 

When I went on my Amy Butler binge, another blogger offered to gift me with an Amy Butler pattern.  It took me almost two weeks to take a photo so I could say a huge "thank you!!!!" to her on my blog.

Karen at Maggie's Secret Garden sent me the above pattern--just because.  Thank you Karen--"Just because" is my all time favorite sentiment-- I just need to come up with some plan to pay it forward. And of course, I can't wait to be the sewer of new Amy Butler mp3 case. 


Leslie said...

lucky ducky you!!! that is a awesome just because gift! i love it....can't wait to see your finished product

Brown Family Blog said...

I like just becauses too!