Friday, April 30, 2010

Chiang Mai

With the beaches that Thailand has in the south, it's probably a little hard for tourists to find the motivation to make it up north.  And let's not lie--Thailand's transportation system is brutal.  I'd would have to claim that little hindrance as the least favorite part of my trip--it's just not quick and simple to get around there.  How, I ask in all seriousness, can a few hundred kilimeters from Bangkok to Phrae actually take 11 hours by train?  This spoiled little American girl said "enough of that" and booked a flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for my flight out.  Sometimes you have just have to pay for a little sanity.

But in the end it's worth it--I love Chiang Mai.  About a zillion times more than Bangkok really.  It's colorful, full of flowers and beautful blvds, and it's even a degree or two cooler than Bangkok.  When the outside temperature is hot enough to actually boil your allergy eye drops so they burn your eyes when you put them in, every degree counts.

Enough of the drama and on to Chiang Mai...the kiddos are awfully cute....

The wats are awfully gold....

and the tourists are awfully sweaty (but happy)...

The Chiang Mai Night Market is a shopper's dream with an energy that makes you want to hang out there even if you don't have any shopping to do.   Or if you are one of those crazies who doesn't think that  shopping is the best cardio you can get a massage for the crazy price of $5 an hour.  Yay for Chiang Mai.


Leslie said...

i had no doubt that the pictures of your trip would be amazing...and you did not disappoint!!! these are stunning and it looks like you are having so much fun with your parents and other family. i can not wait to see more. i loved the ones of you with all the little kids in the last post...the are adorable. how did you leave?

Anonymous said...

Your back! Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to see more. Call me

Anonymous said...

From kel btw

Shannon Hardin said...

Is the two-fingered hand gesture a greeting of some kind? The little girl in these pics is doing it, and some of the kids and adults in your last post are doing it, too.

Brown Family Blog said...

I am so glad that you got to go again and this time with your family! Thank you for sharing your pictures and it.

Monica said...

I'm in love with Chiang Mai already! But I will be sure to go in "winter" as mom will never go any other time I now believe. I'm loving your pics and posts!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos, sounds like you had an amazing time.

Just came across your blog and went back a few pages - thanks for the Blueberry Bran Muffin with Chia recipe - that sounds great. Have recently been trying to get some chia in me every day so it's very neat to find yummy recipes. Was just thinking about Ellie's Energy Bar that was part "cardboard" ...sounds like it might be just right with the addition of a little chia gel. What do you think?

Gina C.

Mary said...

Shannon--you know they all did that...including my little cousins. Not sure why but it was just about every single one of them. I think one of them said "Peace" to me once in English...

Gina--genius on the chia gel in the Energy Bar. I had not even thought of that but it makes perfect sense. Chia does have a way of making everything super moist. Thanks for the advice!

Colleen said...

What a wonderful trip. I love the pictures. Everything looks so bright and colorful!