Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cranberry Pumpkin Bread

I received a mini loaf of homemade pumpkin bread recently.  As i bit into its super soft squishy yumminess, I realized that with making pumpkin caramels and trying out new pumpkin recipes, I'd completely neglected to make just a basic pumpkin bread this season.  There's a lot to be said for those seasonal "must-makes" and cranberry pumpkin bread is one of mine.  

I been experimenting with replacing veggie oils and especially shortening with coconut oil in baking recently and decided to make this loaf with organic coconut oil.  I couldn't tell the difference honestly and since this recipe originally used shortening I was quite pleased that the coconut oil worked so well.

I love the fresh tart bursting cranberries, but of course when it comes to quick breads, nuts, berries and chips are usually optional and interchangeable.  You could even opt for dried cranberries if fresh cranberries are too tart. 

Cranberry Pumpkin Bread 
1 cups all purpose flour plus 2 tsps to coat cranberries
1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 cups canned pumpkin 
1 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs
3/4 cup buttermilk
1.5 cups cranberries 
Sugar in the raw for topping loaf (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF, grease and flour 8x5 loaf pan. 
  2. Whisk together flours, baking powder, baking soda, spices, and salt. 
  3. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with paddle, combine coconut oil and sugars and beat well.  Add pumpkin, eggs and vanilla and mix until fully incorporated. 
  4. With the mixer on low, add the flour in two batches, alternating with the buttermilk, and mix until just combined.
  5. Wash cranberries, reserve a small handful for topping loaf, and toss remaining with 2 tsps of flour. Shake of excess flour and gently stir flour coated cranberries into pumpkin bread batter. 
  6. Pour into prepared pan and top with reserved cranberries and a sprinkling of Sugar in the Raw if desired.
  7. Bake for about an hour or until tester should come out clean. 
  8. Cool pan on a rack for ten minutes, remove loaf from pan and cool completely.


Lila said...

I think I've forgotten to make pumpkin bread this season too. I'll be adding cranberries to my loaf, they look so colorful and vibrant!

Bronwyn said...

I'm so excited that cranberry time is coming up this week! I love cranberries and yet I only eat them one day each week. Looks great!

sophia said...

I have been trying to use more coconut oil too and have been wondering if I can replace all of my frosting recipes that call for Crisco with coconut oil not so much for the health benefits of coconut milk but more because I saw a scary expose on shortening recently. Yuck. Glad to see it can work in bread!

Lila said...

Such a lovely looking loaf, it makes me want to bake one immediately. Do have to make a run to the market today so will pick up some fresh cranberries. Delish!

Lila said...

This looks so delicious! And can I ask where you got the cute orange loaf pan? It is so adorable!

Lila said...

Hip hip hooray for the coconut oil. I use it a lot in cooking and been wondering if it works in baking. I'll be trying it for Christmas cookies too. This bread looks great!

Lila said...

our local stores have not had any cranberries yet but would love to make this when I find them!

Ellie said...

nothing says fall like cranberries and pumpkin. I love fresh cranberries in just about everything.

Lila said...

I just made a batch of the pumpkin caramels yesterday and have to admit that I don't think they will actually last until Thursday. I might end up making another batch before then. Looks superb!

Lila said...

Fall baking always makes the house smell incredible. I can't wait to try it with coconut oil instead of regular oil!

Lila said...

oooooh so yummy. I've been looking for a great pumpkin bread recipe. Thanks!

MyFudo™ said...

Your bread looks really good and moist. Is this because of the coconut oil? Great recipe...I hope to still be able to make one before the years ends.

Lila said...

This looks so very good and i have been trying to use coconut oil too! I will give it a try as well.

Lila said...

This looks like the perfect Thanksgiving morning breakfast to have on hand while you are preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Love the coconut oil!

Mary said...

Thanks all!

This is indeed a super moist bread and really has always been. I think it was just as moist using shortening, but the coconut oil makes me feel tons better that I was able to eliminate shortening in the recipe!

Lila said...

Absolutely scrumptious looking!

Lila said...

Very lovely loaf of bread. My kids will not eat cranberries but I will double the recipe and make one for my husband and me and one with chocolate chips for them.