Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Random Ramblings

I know it's been awhile.  Sometimes I get on these rolls with work and projects and everything else is cast aside for a bit. Just a warning that the remainder of the post will be just rambling without any cohesive theme or topic.  

There has been a little extra TLC for certain little peanut in the house...thanks for the comments and e-mails.  Brooklyn is doing okay now--or as okay as she can be considering that an entire series of tests couldn't diagnose exactly why she had a seizure.  

Yes, my  one and half year old peanut had what the vet called a seizure.  I would have diagnosed it officially as "freaky crazy scary paralysis weirdness" which may be why I don't make my living as a vet.  Girlfriend froze halfway up the stairs one morning, fell over on her side and slid all the way back down the stairs. Since the vet (and board certified radiologist the final bill told me) didn't find anything in any of the tests, we were told it was either a one-off inexplicable seizure, or the first in what could become epilepsy.  Breaks my heart.  It's just a waiting game now so hoping for no recurrences.  

Seizures are exhausting.  

In my defense, I did this to her before her seizure.  Why she hates costumes so much I'll never know.  Knowing how much she's hated them the past two years probably won't stop me from doing it again next year.

I am that mean to her.

There's been a bit of baking.  I usually try not to indulge in the little one-use-wonders in the kitchen but there is a Williams Sonoma outlet about 30 mins from Las Vegas.  For reals people.  When the adorable little apple pie molds are a few dollars, it's hard to pass on.  Pretty stinkin cute molds.

Tons of leftover Halloween candy means trying to incorporate it into baking.  For the record, banana bread + Reeses Pieces = yum.

Spent a little time with a sweet little Chipmunk over the weekend.  

Had a wonderful opportunity to volunteer photography services for a charity event last week.  Never thought I was a cowboy-loving kind of girl.  

I'd say I'm a cowboy-loving kind of girl now. 

I'll admit that a  little snowy mountain scene was not something I expected to see in Las Vegas. 

And of course, the end of daylight savings.  While sad to leave the office when it's dark, each night when I leave the office and walk out to the parking garage I'm greeted with this scene.  Can't wait to see how Vegas does Christmas lights. 


Melody said...

poor little Brooklyn!!! :( So sorry to hear about her seizure!! I hope it's not an on-going issue, for both of your sakes!

So happy to see your charitable work made it to your blog! :)

Lila said...

Sorry about Brooklyn, what a sweet face! Hoping as well that it was one of those one time things!

I would never guess to see snow in Vegas either, the lights on the strip are one of my favorite things to see, and while the banana bread and pies look yummy, the cowboys look yummier! :)

Bronwyn said...

Sweet sweet puppy. So sorry and sending thoughts for seizure free days ahead!

Love that monkey hat! Very cute!

Leslie said...

you could turn anyone into a cowboy lovin girl with that picture...i might be a convert!!!

poor Brooklyn....i hope this was a one time thing.

Shannon Hardin said...

That's too bad about Brooklyn. Hopefully they'll figure out the cause. Our Husky spent the last year and a half of her life having seizures once or twice a week. They were kind of scary at first, but she would recover after a few minutes and be back to her happy self, so it didn't seem to impact her quality of life until the very end. Hopefully it was just a one-time thing!

Bonjour! said...

,,,love to see snow on mountains in the southwest it happens, not often, but when it does it's beautiful!,,,sorry about your puppy dog, if i had to wear that costume i might get sick also,,,(smile)

Ellie said...

Aww, such fun photos all around. Sorry to hear about Brooklyn. We had a dog with seizures and she was on meds for her entire life. Hoping Brooklyn makes a full recovery!

BTW I've always been a cowboy lovin gal. That photo is sexy!

Lila said...

Have to admit that I scroll through pictures by habit first and then go back and read the post. I scrolled past the cowboy shot, scrolled back and just stared. Well done! :)

So sorry about your puppy. She is a doll. Sending warm thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

I think that

Anonymous said...

oopsie. I think that seizures are one of the hardest things with our puppies but we couldn't imagine not caring for them. They are our babies. Hoping your baby doesn't have the same problems!

Monica said...

Glad Brooklyn is OK now:) She looked like she was back to her old self yesterday!

Monica said...

Oh and LOVE LOVE LOVE Brooklyns costume. There were so many dogs at Town Square -maybe next year she can come!

Lila said...

Random is perfect sometimes. Love the mix of photos and especially those cowboys. Yeehaw! And so sorry to hear about the dog, hope she is feeling better!

Lila said...

So sorry to read about Brooklyn. My sisters dog had seizures and it was a tough thing for her to watch.

Brown Family Blog said...

LOl re: the take great photos. ;)

Sorry about Brooklyn. :( Bailey has seizures...probably about 5 a year...and they are scary and you feel helpless. Luckily Jeremy knew what they were when they first started and knew what to do. She doesnt have them often enough to be on meds. Sad for Mommy to watch. :(