Sunday, February 26, 2012

Desert Photography Workshop

Last weekend I popped out of bed at 3:30AM to join a group for a photography workshop.  I think I could become addicted.  

Every spring photographers descend upon Vegas for WPPI.  With so many professional photographers in one place, there are workshops galore and I knew I had to take advantage of that before I moved back to Denver, especially since taking a photography workshop is on my 101 goal list. 

I love Charleton Churchill's photography and his style...vibrant colors, artistic lighting and creativity galore.  When I saw he was having a workshop, I signed right on up.  He has a creativity and editorial flair I think that separates his work.  In fact, when I saw the photo he posted from this same shoot I was struck by how I had nothing even similar.  Same models, same space... completely different images....I find negative space a bit overwhelming, he played it up.  

I've been tempted to take other workshops as well but most seemed to either be geared towards "how to use your DSLR" or if they are more photography based, tend to have quite a bit of time on building your own photography business.  All good stuff I'm sure, but geared towards another audience.  Charleton's workshop was a one day shoot with tips and pointers and instruction...he even let us pick his brain during lunch. I was the only hobbyist photographer shooting but felt very welcome and learned tons.  Can't wait to unpack some boxes and play with my off camera flashes.  And of course learn to embrace negative space on occasion.

I took close to 600 photos and with all that's going on right now have not had time to really go through them. Have to say that shooting models is pretty easy as it turns out...they pretty much can't take a bad picture.  Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!


Lila said...

I never thought of vast open space being someplace to take photographs but those look so cool! Love the bike too!

Ellie said...

I've been looking for a workshop for ages that wasn't mostly about the business side. I once even took a class at the community college that was supposed to be about portrait lighting, and it ventured off into how to run our own portrait business within an hour. We never ended up learning about the lighting. :( This workshop looks like fun and what great images!

Lila said...

Wow, looks like so much fun and so lovely! I am definitely on the hunt for a workshop too but I kind of have to start with the basics learn your camera workshop. I am having fun with my new birthday toy!

Lila said...

g-g-g-g-gorgeous! I like the filling the frame look too. It's amazing to see how one makes you notice to the people and the other to the gorgeous location and even the outfits. Love it!

sophia said...

I love it! I would never think that the dry dessert would be the place for a shoot but wow! Love them all and hope you are feeling better!

Lila said...

I want to take a workshop and I want to go to WPPI some year. I love the pics, looks like a great location!

Bronwyn said...

Ooooooh Ahhhhhhh! What great fun! I love your images!

Lila said...

Gorgeous photos (and people). I tend to fill the frame too but love to focus on the people. The desert does look very cool for this shoot though!

Lila said...

I have always wondered what WPPI would be like. I read my favorite photogs write they are heading there and having a workshop and I think it must be a magical place to be! :) And the trade show stuff must be awesome!!

Lila said...

So awesome! Looks like a great workshop. Wish I knew how to move my camera off of automatic mode!

Lila said...

I love the pictures especially fun to see you guys shooting in the sunglasses! Beautiful job!

Lila said...

What a great opportunity and super photos! I signed up for a workshop once that ended up being canceled. It didn't exactly encourage me to signup and go through it again but this one looks like it was excellent!

Melody said...

how fun! and it can't be TOO shabby hanging out with gorgeous people for a few hours either... :)

Monica said...

I think your pics are lovely...

Lila said...

Oh that's just so much fun! I took a local workshop once and did not love it but think it just may have been my particular workshop. Love the pictures!

Lila said...

these are gorgeous was this out near jean? we took pictures there awhile back and they were striking!

Charleton Churchill said...

You're sweet Mary, great job on the images, beautiful words, thank you for the write up!