Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nelson, Nevada

Nelson is a little ghost town just a short drive outside of Vegas.  I've been meaning to head out there to play with my camera for awhile and of course, like most things in life, haven't gotten around to it.  Moving however, gets these types of goals fast tracked.

Truth be told, I was not prepared for the sheer quantity of old cars, buildings and gas stations. I thought there might be a handful but we spent about an hour and half there and didn't hit half of the cool things to photograph.  There was even plane wreckage on site.  A collection of gritty photographic gems like this make this a photographic paradise, so needless to say, we were hardly the only ones there.  For just $10 an hour, you can photograph to your hearts content, and there were about a dozen other photographers taking advantage of this phenomenal site as well.  Even with that many other groups, there was enough space and sites that rarely had anyone in the backdrop of our photo nor did we have to wait to take a photo.
Take photos in a ghost town...check. I'm a little sad that I didn't go to Nelson this earlier...I am kind of itching to head back and try again.  And if you go, you'll come across the small town of Nelson first full of "no trespassing" signs.  Keep going past this town through a windy little canyon.  The ghost town is just on the other side.


Lila said...

Those are so much fun. I love the gritty dirty backgrounds in photos. I also love urban graffiti shots!

Lila said...

I always though Vegas was just the strip and lights but I love seeing the places you post of the town! My friends actually visited the Boneyard museum on a trip to Vegas after your posted about it!

Lila said...

I really wanted to go here on our last trip but we ran out of time. These are awesome! Next time for sure!

Lila said...

We visited a cool place like this in the San Juan mtns but they would not allow any photos. Shame because it sounds like that really promote tourism if they would. These are amazingly fun! You and Brooklyn look so sweet!

Lila said...

i saw some pretty engagement pictures taken out at nelson and said i was going to visit sometime putting it on the calendar now love the pictures!

sophia said...

such a cutie patootie! And brooklyn looks like quite the professional dog model! I think I even see a little magnum! ;)

Lila said...

These are so fantastic! I wish we had a fun place around town to take pictures but unfortunately not tons to see in Oklahoma

Lila said...

Oh these are just so much fun! I love the little tutu with the background!

Lila said...

Love. Cute subjects and great location. What a sweet pup!

Lila said...

we totally loved this place! I begged my inlaws to head over here during our Vegas trip. They didn't want to at first but afterwards were so happy we did when they saw the photos we got! yours looks beautiful!

Lila said...

I can see why you'd want to head back, what a cool looking spot! have to remember this for sure for my fall trip to Las Vegas.

Bronwyn said...

How cute! I've actually been to Nelson and we had fun roaming through the old buildings. There were quite a few photographers there when we went as well but I can definitely see why!

Melody said...

what a cool place to take pictures! Glad you made it there before leaving the state...

Leslie said...

mary these pictures are amazing!!!