Sunday, February 12, 2012

Spring Mountain Ranch State Park

Spring has sprung in the high dessert so Brooklyn and I headed out to check out a state park I'd had on the list to visit.  The "adventure" had it's ups and downs but after we finally found the place, found a way to pay the entrance fee and found our way around the park, it was all worth it. 

Spring Mountain Ranch State Park is not too far out of town if you live in southwestern Las Vegas as I do.  I hopped on Blue Diamond at Buffalo and it was under 6 miles to the turnoff towards Red Rock Canyon. Once you make the turn it's only another 6 miles from there...I couldn't believe it was so close! If however, you didn't really pay attention to the directions outside of "take Blue Diamond..." you might end up staying on Blue Diamond for a good 40 minutes, passing through the Spring Mountains and finding yourself on the open highway heading who knows where and without cellular coverage before you realize that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  After I turned around, it was a bit embarrassing to see that I should have turned towards Red Rock Canyon right outside of town.  

Lesson number 1: figure out where you are going before you embark.

Once I did find the state park, I pulled up to the entrance only to realize that it was a "self-service pay station" i.e. put money in an envelope and drop it in a hollowed out 2x4.  This as you can imagine requires cash or check and a writing utensil.  Seriously? The one thing I have learned about Nevada is that the state believes communication is overrated.  They will construct a freeway entrance and place a sign about 1 foot in diameter a few yards before the entrance to let you know this is your new freeway entrance, they'll shut down a major freeway entrance without any detour signs directing you as to how to actually get on the freeway now, and they'll detour entire 4 lanes off a highway onto a side road without signs telling you what to do next.  Not making it crystal clear that you'd need cash and a writing utensil to visit this park should not have surprised me. Luckily there was a little town with an ATM just a mile back down the road.  They also let me borrow a pen.  

Lesson number 2: the boy scouts have it right...always be prepared.  Cash is good.  Pen in the car is probably essential. 

Once we did get there though, it was such a lovely area.  If you head up to the super cute red house, they'll point you in the direction of the different walking trails. 

There was also a cow on property which may not seem that exciting unless you are a city dog.  Then, you're not quite sure what to make of it all...

Down the Ash Loop Trail. 

And then if you head in the opposite direction of the Ash Loop Trail, you come across a turquoise colored lake.  It's just a short jaunt around but there are trails that branch off throughout the park. 

After our little hike, someone came home and passed out immediately at the top of the stairs in the most dramatic fashion possible.  

Lesson # 3: A dog that can outrun me on runs can surely outlast me on a trail.  Never fall for puppy drama, it's a ploy for treats.  


Lila said...

Love all the photos but had to comment on the VFFs. I just bought my first pair and you are right about the calf pain! But now I love them tons and can run my full distance every day. They make some with more sole for trekking but you do lose a little of the feel of the ground with the thicker soul. But you do get to still use all of your toes for balance!

Lila said...

Yes, the need for treats is great in this house and it's funny to see what lengths they'll go to get them! :) Gorgeous photos and area! I always think of las vegas and lights and the strip only but i see theres so much more!

Ellie said...

My sister runs in Vibrams and she swears by them but I remember how long it took her to break them in. They do look awfully comfortable though! The red house is so darn cute!

Lila said...

Such a pretty place that I'll be sure to get outside the strip next time! Beautiful blues in the lake!

Lila said...

Cutie puppy! I love Bostons, my brother has one and he almost makes me want to take on the responsibility of a dog.

Ha ha! I love that episode of Friends. I miss Phoebe!

Lila said...

My vibrams took awhile to break in my feet (funny that you break in your feet and not the shoe eh?) but now I live in them and my husband has to make me wear other shoes when we go out sometimes. I have a trekking pair too that is perfect for hiking, you should look into those.

Lila said...

I love the desert, there's just something so old west and different about it compared to the thick trees we have here in Arkansas. Beautiful area!

Lila said...

There's more to vegas than the strip? :) Maybe I need to venture out next time but love those pools and restaurants. It's hard to leave them!

Monica said...

That's pretty hilarious. But it's a a pretty drive out to Pahrump isn't it:)? I love going to the summer amphitheater at Spring Mountain Ranch. Glad you and Brooklyn enjoyed yourselves.

Leslie said...

these pictures are so gorgeous. i love that barn! sweet wore her out

Lila said...

I love my vibrams for sure they took awhile to get used to but they are awesome!