Friday, November 2, 2012

No Knead Cast Iron Loaf

I'm definitely not the type that finds kneading to be therapeutic so am a huge fan of no-knead bread recipes.   This particular recipe though trumps any of the ones I've made in the past.  It literally is as easy as measuring a few ingredients, a quick stir and covering to let sit overnight.  The next day you form it into a ball and let sit while you heat a cast iron pan, add the dough to the hot pan and bake.  

The result for that little teeny-tiny bit of effort...homemade crusty bread with a super moist crumb and a house that smells like the Wonder Bread factory.  Yes, I know Wonder Bread is not edible, but if you've ever lived near one of their factories, you know those loaves definitely scent the air in a delightfully delicious way that only the smell of baking bread can. 

The dough after sitting overnight.

It's definitely a little lot sticky so flour up your working surface pretty well before dumping the dough out and forming into a ball.  Flour on your hands helps too. 

Can you believe it?   It's magical. 

Since bread takes a 1/2 hour to bake, you'll have plenty of time for a little puppy meanness if you so desire.  One Halloween costume and just 5 minutes on the dog is all it really takes.  Every single year I do it knowing how much it horrifies her. Knowing it doesn't stop me...I call it asserting my alpha status once a year.  

Will the puppy meanness ever end?

If looks could kill. 

Dog vs. costume.  In the end, dog is triumphant.  Of course. 

No Knead Cast Iron Loaf
adapted from Williams Sonoma

3 1/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon yeast
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 cups water
  1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flour, yeast and salt. 
  2. Add water and mix to combine. 
  3. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 12-16 hours or overnight.
  4. Heat oven to 450 degrees. When the oven has reached 450 degrees place a cast iron pot with a lid in the oven and heat the pot for 25 minutes. 
  5. While the oven and pan is preheating, dump dough onto a heavily floured surface and shape into a ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest until pan is ready.
  6. Remove hot pan from the oven and carefully drop dough into ungreased pan. 
  7. Cover and return to oven for 30 minutes. 
  8. After 30 minutes remove the lid and bake an additional 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. 
  9. Remove bread from oven and place on a cooling rack.  Let cool before slicing


Lila said...

We buy fresh baked bread altogether too often because I would never sit and knead and proof bread either. This is wonderful! I can't wait to try it!

Lila said...

How could I forget the most important comment? Brooklyn is absolutely adorable in that costume, the big eyes match her big eyes. Our dog Jinx hates costumes so much he won't even let us put it on and leave it for a picture. At least Brooklyn sits nice (if not pretty) for the camera! :)

Lila said...

My Sampson fights costumes too. I made him wear one for a parade this year and he wouldn't look at me for the rest of the day. It's kind of sweet to me that they have these definite personalities.

Love this recipe and the idea that you just let it sit overnight and then bake. Yummy!

Lila said...

Ya-ya-yum! I can't wait to try this one. I didn't think you could make a great loaf without alot of work but this looks really great and crusty! And what a doll your BT is!

Ellie said...

I have the artisan bread in 5 minutes cookbook and love it. I like this idea of cooking in a cast iron though, the bread crust looks amazing!

Lila said...

What a cutie patootie and so glad you are back with a post! I check often. :)

Lila said...

Recipe looks very good and really easy. I started the dough tonight to make for tomorrow's dinner.
Your dog has such a sweet little face!

Lila said...

Yummy! Since I've ditched the low carb thing I think this is going on the menu for sure.

Lila said...

Ha ha ha! I dress up my Boston every year and she tolerates it but gives me the same evil eye. So cute!

Bronwyn said...

What a little face! Riley hates his costumes too so I gave up. At least Brooklyn sits still for a photo.

I'VE been wanting to try the no knead bread for ages. This photo just convinced me to do it already. Delicous looking!

atvmtngirl said...

Brooklyn looks thrilled with the costume :)

atvmtngirl said...

Brooklyn looks thrilled with the costume :)

Lila said...

hysterical costume photo. my dog hates them too, it must be all dogs :)

sophia said...

What a doll she is! and the bread looks so delish too!