Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday Orange Super Smoothie

Brooklyn's ready, are you?  Super Bowl Sunday is always happy but today is a day that makes a girl squeal with delight.  

The Super Bowl is a lot like Thanksgiving and Christmas in that it's just so much food and eating.  I haven't recovered from all of the Holiday baking so the blue and orange baking, while so much fun, has left me less than excited to eat any of it.  I bake the sweets and force them on others.  

What I can definitely get on board with is an Orange Super smoothie in honor of the game of games (and let's face it, the team of teams) tonight.  

This smoothie starts off innocently enough...1 orange peeled and chopped in half, one large handful of pineapple,  and a handful of mango.  The standard unit of measure for smoothies is indeed the "handful."

To get that orange though,  you need something extra orange.  Enter 2 handfuls of carrots and.........eeek.....deliciously beautiful orange beets.   You can leave the beets out of course.  I often add red beets to my smoothies if I'm using spinach because spinach and berries makes an ugly brown color, but a bit of beets keeps it all looking red and fresh.  I'm not going to lie to you here though, while spinach doesn't taste like spinach in a smoothie, beets do taste like beets.  Use sparingly or if you don't like beets, leave them out.  For this smoothie I also added a glop of honey, a quick pour (2-3 tbsps) of red cherry juice concentrate, 1 tsp chia seeds and 1 cup of ice cubes.  

I used about a quarter of an orange beet to get a kick of those natural produce colors. 

If you are not so much on board with the Super Bowl smoothie and need some sugary goodies for your festive orange and blue table, it's not too late if you have a box of cake mix and some food coloring. 

Homemade Broncos whoopie pies are of course phenomenal,  but more time consuming.  The ones I made earlier in the season are more cookie like but if you want it fast and quick and more cake like,  you can make them with cake mix...this version worked well for me when I made these a few weeks ago.  I bake faster than I blog it seems. 

I couldn't bring myself to smoosh that much canned frosting between such little cakes though so I made a marshmallow buttercream instead (recipe below). 

Whew.  And thus comes the end of orange and blue food for another 7-8 months.   Unless you are this kid. 

Marshmallow Buttercream

1/2 cup butter room temp
1-2 tbsp milk
1 small container of Marshmallow Fluff
2 cups powdered sugar

  1. Beat together butter and Fluff  on med until smooth 
  2. Slowly add in powdered sugar with mixer on low.
  3. Add in 1 tbsp milk and beat until combined, add additional milk if needed. 
  4. Spoon into piping bag, cut tip and fill one half of whoopie pie on flat side and top with additional cake/cookie. 


Lila said...

I could never get tired of blue and orange food. Gooooo Broncooooooos!!!!!!

Lila said...

I wish I'd found your blog sooner, there are so many great broncos goodies! I hadn't planned all that much food because we were going to a friends house but they had to leave town unexpectedly so now I'm scrambling. I did buy king soopers cupcakes but I love the trifle idea and I have all the ingredients to whip it up today! thanks for the great fast ideas!

Lila said...

Oh and we have a Boston too and he's wearing his jersey today too! It's the year of the Horse!!!

Lila said...

The whoopie pies are way too adorbs! My daughter has already started on them even though we have tons of food already lol. we'll be using all store bought stuff though including frosting because it's easy. Thanks and Go Broncos and Go Seahawks! I'm very non conflict. :)

Lila said...

I love everything about this post. Love the boston in the jersey, love the whoopie pies, really love the trifle because even I can make that and extra super love the bedding. Is it West Elm's pintuck?

Lila said...

I made the whoopie pies yesterday with cake mix but it didn't help. Boohoo on that game, what was that about? Still love my Broncos though! thanks for the ideas all season long. I made half of your game day eats I think. Here's to a better next year for the team!

Mary said...

Hi Ciera! The duvet cover is not West Elm although I did look at that one first. I'd heard too many stories of the pin-tucks popping out if anyone sat on top of it of the duvet so I didn't go with that one. This one is actually a Nordstrom brand duvet. Not sure if they still carry it but I liked that the fabric was thicker and not transparent. I'd purchased the Pottery Barn Hadley first but it was really thin and somewhat transparent fabric. Hope that helps!

Lila said...

What a sad game it was but I love this whoopie pie idea! Fantastic!