Wednesday, April 2, 2014

No Knead Potato Bread and a Life Off-Grid

Anyone who knows me knows I love hyperbole.  The more ridiculous I can make something sound, the more I appreciate it.  Like me saying I'm going off-grid.

Off-grid usually means self-sustaining, hunting types who don't have electricity running to their homes...i.e off the power grid.   That sounds pretty cool, but in my case, off-grid means a long weekend in the mtns in a cabin without wifi or TV but full electricity and amenities. It means a car full of groceries I hunted at the grocery store and firewood that someone that is not me chopped.

Bread doesn't fit into the above at all but I'm all about lean efficiency.  One post, two topics.  This second topic is pretty spectacular if you're not on the wheat belly or wheat brain or wheat whatever diet.  

I am not.  I love bread.

And of course, I love no knead bread baked up in the cast iron pan.  This one is yet another variation of the recipe I've posted many times except that the star of this loaf is mashed potatoes.  Bread and mashed potatoes--happy post indeed. 

The core no knead recipe calls for a wet dough and letting it sit overnight.  This one looks a bit wetter than the other doughs, but that's what makes it so perfectly moist on the inside while still maintaing that thick, chewy artisan crust.

I still can't believe that 5 minutes of measuring and stirring results in a loaf like this. 

The potato really just adds moistness so you could even serve this up with jam.  The inside texture and crumb was so fantastic that this version definitely climbs up the ladder of favorites in the no knead category.

No Knead Sourdough Bread

1.5 cup ultra mashed potatoes (no lumps)
3 1/4 cups flour
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 cup water
2.5 tsps yeast

  1. Spoon mashed potatoes into a bowl with flour, salt, yeast and water. Mix with wooden spoon until combined. 
  2. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 12-16 hours or overnight. 
  3. Heat oven to 450 degrees. When the oven has reached 450 degrees place a cast iron pot with a lid in the oven and heat the pot for 25 minutes. 
  4. While the oven and pan is preheating, dump dough onto a heavily floured surface and shape into a ball. The dough will be sticky--keep flouring your hands and rolling dough in flour while forming ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest until pan is ready. 
  5. Remove hot pan from the oven and carefully drop dough into ungreased pan. 
  6. Cover and return to oven for 30 minutes. 
  7. After 30 minutes remove the lid and bake an additional 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. 
  8. Remove bread from oven and place on a cooling rack. Let cool before slicing


Lila said...

Those shoes are gorgeous! Sometimes I look down at my Uggs and really miss the days of dressing up daily. Then I remember what a pain it was. If only there was a way to wear shoes like that just once a week! :)

I cannot wait to try this bread recipe. We love potato bread.

Lila said...

I can't believe you can walk in either of those! ;) I trade my super stylish loafers for flip flops when I go into the great outdoors but I've always wanted to snowshoe. Have a fun weekend!

Lila said...

This bread looks so soft, you can actually tell its soft from the picture. Yummy! I'm going to try this method and this bread soon! The ankle strap pointy pumps are too wonderful for words!

Lila said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! I haven't baked bread in ages but today is definitely the perfect day for it. Wish I'd gotten this started last night. I'm going to try this morning and see what happens after only a day. Looks so good!

Lila said...

Have a great weekend and happy birthday. Drinks next week to celebrate! You rock those shoes btw. I've been trying to find them everywhere and no luck, they are completely discontinued and sold out. :(

Happy Birthday!!!!

Lila said...

ill take the snowshoes over those heels any day crazy girl! Happy Birthday hope it's a great bday weekend!

Lila said...

Okay thoes shoes are totally the shiz! I love stilettos and I really love ankle straps. Those are totally cutester!

Lila said...

Okay thoes shoes are totally the shiz! I love stilettos and I really love ankle straps. Those are totally cutester!

Lila said...

Okay thoes shoes are totally the shiz! I love stilettos and I really love ankle straps. Those are totally cutester!

Lila said...

I don't know which is yummier looking, the shoes or the bread. I made your sourdough version of the cast iron bread and it's a favorite at my house now. We keep starter on hand to make bread at any time. This looks so good too.

Lila said...

I have similar shoes and I love them too. I can run in them and my husband thinks I'm crazy. Love!

Monica said...

Why did I think that you disliked camping, hiking, etc until recently? Did you used to love it as much as you do now? Anyways glad you had a nice trip. Loved seeing the awesome pics!

Lila said...

I got new snowshoes, I got new snowshoes! Should we try once before the season is up? I heard Cottonwood still has snow.

Lila said...

I made a few of your no knead bread ideas and they were all so good!