Thursday, March 27, 2014

Zusketti with Fresh Mozzarella and Meatballs

During my purge, the questions of utility, need and worthiness needed to be asked of each item.  There are quite a few items that have not made the cut but my spiralizer definitely has. I'm not sure why I've never posted anything about it thus far.  It's a slicer that turns regular ole veggies into super duper noodles.  That's kind of a kitchen essential yes?

There was a period last fall where I was obsessed with spiraling veggies.  Zucchini makes the closest thing to noodles but carrots and beets are also pretty fun.  

What kid or grown up wouldn't eat something that comes out spirally and fun like this?  

I found the that the technique on  Against All Grain's site worked best to remove the moisture. I leave the peel on these days, but if you peel the zucchini and use the oven drying method, the zucchini look a lot more like regular 'ole noodles.  

This is what the "pasta" looks like if you don't oven dry first.  Still tasty and if you don't care and are willing to just drain off the excess moisture, you can skip the drying step.  Either way, it tastes pretty fantastic...if you are a veggie lover.  Let's not kids ourselves here though that you'll think you're eating pasta.  You'll know you're eating a veggie, but a pretty yummy one at that. 

Zusketti with Fresh Mozzarella and  Meatballs


1 1/3 lbs ground chicken
2/3 cup breadcrumbs
2 minced garlic cloves
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp dried basil
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 egg lightly beaten
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
6 oz fresh mozzarella
2 lb zucchini, spiralized, 
1 tsp salt
5 cups of a favorite tomato sauce
fresh basil leaves for topping


  1.  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. In a large bowl combine ground chicken, bread crumbs, garlic, garlic powder, basil, Parmesan, egg, salt, and pepper.
  3. Combine gently with a fork.
  4. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
  5. With a cookie scoop, drop 1 to 1 1/4-inch meatballs onto sheet pan. You should have about 40 meatballs.
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until cooked through and lightly browned.
  7. Prepare(or warm up) tomato sauce
  8. Remove meatballs and reduce oven to 200 degrees
  9. Add meatballs to tomato sauce and cook on low heat while zucchini cooks.  
  10. Spread zucchini noodles over baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.  Cook for about 30 minutes or until moisture is released. 
  11. Dice fresh mozzarella and set aside
  12. When noodles are cooked, place on clean cloth and wring to remove additional moisture.  
  13. Serve zucchini topped with meatballs, sauce, fresh mozzarella and basil.


Lila said...

my roommate and i just bought one of these and we have made noodles out of everything including apples. it makes a fun fruit salad! we haven't tried meatballs yet but this looks like the way to go!

Lila said...

I wondered how people made the skinny noodles. I thought it was a special knife but this tool is cool and pretty affordable too. I can't wait to try it out myself. Looks really delicious!

Lila said...

Looks absolutely wonderful. I'm always looking for ways to get my kids to eat veggies This might be it.

Lila said...

My kids like vegetables luckily but this will take them over the top! I've used a veggie peeler before and they loved that. It's definitely worth the price to get this for even more veggie eating!

sophia said...

I had these noodles at a restaurant awhile ago and wondered how the heck they made their veggie type pasta. I'm very excited to try this!

Lila said...

This is such a good idea. I never heard of this before but glad I found it. I'm going to ask for this for my birthday.

Lila said...

I just want to tell you how excited my granddaughter is to make this with me. I ordered this off of Amazon with Prime shipping so we'll get it Monday and she cannot stop talking about making noodles. :) thank you for sharing.

Lila said...

Looks positively delish! We are trying to eat more vegetables and this looks like a good way to do that!

Lila said...

I ordered something similar and have never used it. You've motivated me to give it a try. This looks really good.

Lila said...

I use my spiralizer all the time and the kids help out as well. They actually eat their vegetables when they are cut into cute little noodles like this so it's worth it in my book. I haven't paired meatballs with it yet but I don't know why not. These ones sounds really yummy!